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1 <br />1 <br />1 <br />H. P• Burmo od. <br />Residence Wood River Nebr. <br />CFRTIFICATF F PROBATE OF WILL <br />State of Nebraska,) <br />Hall County, ) <br />At a. session of the County Court held in the County Court Room in Grand <br />Island, i.n said County, on the 29th day of October A. D.1919. <br />Present J. H. Mullin, County Judge <br />IN THE MATTER OF T n ESTATE <br />OF <br />Mary E.Guy,deceased. <br />I.J.H.Muilin,Judge of the County Court in and for said hereby eertiify <br />that on the 12th day of September.1919, the instrument purporting to be the last will and t-deta.- <br />went of Mary E. Guy, deceased, was filed for probate in this Court. That on the 29th day of October <br />1919, sai d instrument to Which this certificate is attached was duly proved.probated and allowed <br />as the last will and testament of the real personal estate of said Mary E. Guy, deceased, and the <br />same was ordered to be recorded in the records of the Court aforesaid. <br />IN FITNESS rHFFtFOF I have hereunto set my hand and affixed the seal of the County Court this <br />29th day of October 1919. <br />(SEAL) J. H. Mul lin <br />County, Judge. <br />IN THE COUNTY COIMT OF HALL. COU ?TTY, NF.BRASXA- <br />Iii THE MATTER OF THE <br />ESTATE <br />I <br />268 <br />OF <br />A <br />} <br />FINAL DECRFL. <br />No. 39 <br />HALL COUNTY <br />. <br />2678- -Kiopp Printing Co., Omaha <br />MAW E.GUY,DECEASFD. <br />this 23rd day of October <br />in the year of <br />our Lord one thousand nine hundred and seven <br />July.1922.this cause came on to be <br />heard upon the final <br />report <br />Mary E.Guy (Seal) <br />last will and testament of Mary E. <br />SIGNED AND SEALED by the <br />said Mary E.Guy <br />in our presence,and by her published and declared as <br />thut notice has been given to all per±- <br />and for her last Will and <br />Testament.a.nd <br />at her request and in our presence,and in the presence <br />said report and of the time <br />of each other.we hereunto <br />subscribe our <br />names as attesting witnesses,a,t Wood River this 23rd <br />day of October A. D. 1907 <br />F. M. Penney . <br />Residence Wood River,Nebr. <br />1 <br />1 <br />1 <br />H. P• Burmo od. <br />Residence Wood River Nebr. <br />CFRTIFICATF F PROBATE OF WILL <br />State of Nebraska,) <br />Hall County, ) <br />At a. session of the County Court held in the County Court Room in Grand <br />Island, i.n said County, on the 29th day of October A. D.1919. <br />Present J. H. Mullin, County Judge <br />IN THE MATTER OF T n ESTATE <br />OF <br />Mary E.Guy,deceased. <br />I.J.H.Muilin,Judge of the County Court in and for said hereby eertiify <br />that on the 12th day of September.1919, the instrument purporting to be the last will and t-deta.- <br />went of Mary E. Guy, deceased, was filed for probate in this Court. That on the 29th day of October <br />1919, sai d instrument to Which this certificate is attached was duly proved.probated and allowed <br />as the last will and testament of the real personal estate of said Mary E. Guy, deceased, and the <br />same was ordered to be recorded in the records of the Court aforesaid. <br />IN FITNESS rHFFtFOF I have hereunto set my hand and affixed the seal of the County Court this <br />29th day of October 1919. <br />(SEAL) J. H. Mul lin <br />County, Judge. <br />IN THE COUNTY COIMT OF HALL. COU ?TTY, NF.BRASXA- <br />Iii THE MATTER OF THE <br />ESTATE <br />OF <br />} <br />FINAL DECRFL. <br />) <br />MAW E.GUY,DECEASFD. <br />) <br />Now on this 29th day of <br />July.1922.this cause came on to be <br />heard upon the final <br />report <br />of Troll Miller.Executor of the <br />last will and testament of Mary E. <br />Guy, appearing to <br />the <br />satisfaction of the court <br />thut notice has been given to all per±- <br />sonsinterested of the <br />filing <br />of <br />said report and of the time <br />and place fixed for the final sett- ! <br />lenent of said estate by publication of such notice in the WOOD RIVER 9"TTBFA1M,as required by r <br />order of Court dated July,18.1922. and no one having appeared to object to or protest against e <br />the allowance of said report. <br />On examination of said report and of the files in this matter the Court finds that said Exe- 1 <br />w <br />E cutor has accounted for all of the estate of said deceased which came to his possession or undo] <br />his control, and that his report is correct in all respects, a.nd ought to be approved; that he has <br />received from all sources the sum of $245.31,and has peid out for funeral expenses and expenses <br />of administration the total amount received and that there rew"ins in his hands no money or oth$r <br />personal property belonging to said estate. <br />I <br />The Court finds that said executor has a claim against Tone MCKee.Earl NcKee,Bianche,MeKee, <br />Guy McKee, James McKee and William'. I. McKe a, Guard ian, f or the sum of $350.00 due °on a,contra.ct mad <br />on the fourth day of January.X907,wliereby they agreed to pay to Mary E.Guy,the sum of $25:00 a <br />year and t:-; t this contrapt and claim should be assigned by the Executor to Troll Miller,Hattie <br />i <br />Smith,George Miller and Ora Plummer, in equal shares. <br />i It is therefore <br />ORDERF,D that Tr„11 liiller,Zcecutor of the Last Rill of Mary E.Guy,deceased,. <br />