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<br />No. 3, HALL COUNTY
<br />2572 =Mopp Printing Co., Omaha
<br />266
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<br />WILLI.T_ KREBS, DECEASED, } Now on this 5th day of October,1922, this cause came on to be heax4
<br />upon the .final report of Mary Schlagman tformerly Mazy Krebs)Administratrix of the estate of
<br />William Krebs,deceased, it appearing; to the satisfaction of the Court that notice was given to
<br />all persons interested in the estate of said deceased as to the filing of said report and as
<br />t
<br />to the time and place appointed for fiRnal settlemAnt of said estate,by publication in th-, GRAND
<br />IGLAND 11ERALD, as required by order of the Court.
<br />On consideration and examination of said report and the former reports of said administratrix
<br />the Court finds that said Administratrix has accounted for all of the property of said deceased
<br />which came into her possession or under her control,und that there remains no personal property
<br />in her hands for distribution ;that her report is correct in all respects and ought to be
<br />allowed.
<br />The Court finds tk"t notice was given to all creditors of said deceased as to the time
<br />allowed and place appointed. for filing claims against the estate of said deceased and that the
<br />time so allowed for f fling claims has fully expired; that all claims filed and allowed agai nst
<br />said estate have been paid and satisfied;-that x.11 claims outstanding against said deceased or his
<br />estate not so fil ed, if any such there be, are therefore forever barred and excluded.
<br />It is therefore considered by the Court that the report of the administratrix be and the same,
<br />is hereby approved and allowed as and for her final account and she is discharged of her trust
<br />and her bond released.
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<br />It is further considered by the Court that all persons are forever barred from filing or sett
<br />in..g up any claims or demands against the estate of William Krebs,deceased.
<br />The Court further finds that the said Willi arc. Krebs departed this life on the 27th day
<br />of August.1882,th,.t he was at the time of his death a resident of Hall County,Nebraska,and that
<br />he died intestate, leaving surviving him, John Krebs,Leonard Krebs, and Andrew Krebs,his sons, and
<br />Lena. Krebs his da,ughter;that he left surviving him Mary Krebs,his widow,who took a homestead
<br />and dower interest in his real estate.
<br />The Court Further Finds that the said William Krebs died seized in fee of thQ following des-
<br />cribed real estate situate in the County of Hall and State of Nebra.ska,to -wit: Lots Five (5 )
<br />and Six 46) in Block Thirty-four (34) in the Original Town, now City of Grand Island, and that
<br />under and by virtue of the provision of the Law of Descent of Real Estate in the State of Neb-
<br />raska,as in force and effect at the time of his death said Real Estate did pass ar_d descend to
<br />the said John Krebs,Leonard Krebs, c,.nd Andrew Krebs, and Lena Krebs, in equal shares as tenants in
<br />common,subject only to the homestead and dower right of Nary Krebs,his widow.
<br />It is therefore Gonsidered,Adjudged and Decreed by the Court that all of the right,title and
<br />interest of William Krebs in and to Lots 5 and 6 in Block 34 Ld the Original Town,now City of
<br />Prand Is14nd,in Hall County, Nebraska, did pass and descend at his death to John Krebs,Leonard
<br />Krebs,Andrew Krebs and Lena Krebs, in equal shares, subject to the homestead and dower right of
<br />Mary Krebs, the rein.
<br />On Consideration of the Affidavit of Mary Schlagmun (formerly Mary Krebs) widow of the said
<br />William Krebs and the mother of all of his children the Court finds that Andrew Krebs died on
<br />the 12th day of July.1897,wi.tjzout having reached his majority; that he never,marri.ed and that
<br />all his debts and the expenses of his funeral were paid by his mother.
<br />J.H- Hullin
<br />County Judge.
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