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�A <br />FINAL TMC R EE <br />I "; THE COUNTY COURT OF HALL COUTM NEBR�.SKA- <br />h <br />IN THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE ) <br />} <br />OF ), DEC REF <br />) <br />CHARLES .T.,TOHT1SON,?F'CF..ASHD ) Now on this 26th day of August, A.D.1922,this cause came on. <br />M. <br />for he"-ring upon the petition of Arn_" Pannington,pr .ying for the settlemidnt of the estate of said <br />deceased, for deter:: in"tion of his heirship, and the right of descent of his real estate and the <br />degree of kinship of his heirs at law and a aecree settling his est"te,a.nd it appe "ring to the <br />court from t'_Z! proofs on file herein that due and legal notice has been given by publication for <br />three successive wes'ss as by law and the order of this court provided,to all creditors,heirs at <br />law and other persons interested in said estate,of the filing of said petition and of the time <br />red place fired for the hearing of the same,which time was not less than thirty days nor more <br />than sixty days after the filing of said peti.tion,und there being no objections thereto,this <br />cause was duly submitted to the court upon the petition and evidence in support thereof and the <br />court being fully advised in the premises,finds that the allegations of said petition are true <br />and that said petitioner,Anna id. Pennington, is one of the present owners of the real estate herein - <br />"fter described and is a competent and proper person to prosecute this proceeding, that the said <br />Charles J. Johnson departed this life ut his home in Hall County, Nebraska, on the 4th day of July, <br />A. D. 1917,anl at the time of his death, the said Charles J. Johnson was a resident and inhabitant <br />of Hall County, A+ebruska, a.nd died seized as the owner in fee simple of an undivided one -half in- <br />terest in and to Lots One (1),Two (2),Three (3),Four (4) Five (5),Six (6),Seven (7),Eight (8),Nihe <br />(9) and Tan (10) in Block One (1) of College Addition to hest Lawn an addition to the City of <br />Grand Island, Nebraska, wnd tn�t more than two years have lapsed since his death;that no application <br />has ever been made in the State of Nebraska for the appointment of Administrator of his estate and <br />no petition . fi'led for that purpose and no Administration has ever been had upon the estate of the <br />said Charles J. Johnson, deceased. <br />The court further finds that the said Charles J..Tohnson deceased,left surviving him as his heirs <br />at law and his only heirs wt law the following named persons, to -wit: <br />E'nma S. Johnson, surviving widow. <br />residing <br />at <br />Grand <br />Island,Nebraska <br />Ann" M.Pennington,u daughter, <br />Lillian 171. Smith,4 daughter, <br />Carrie Johnson, a daughter <br />William J ohns on, a son <br />« <br />« <br />« <br />a <br />a <br />Leo L..T ohns on, u son <br />Osc.a.r Johnson," son. <br />Edith Johnson," daughter <br />i:lbert E..Tohnscn, a son <br />All of whom are of 1"wf ul age. <br />1. <br />The court furt_rier finds that under the lows of the State of Nebraska, in force at the time of <br />the death of the said Charles T.Johnson,dec eased, the real estate hereinbefore described passed <br />and descended by wbsoluta title to the said Anna M. Pennington,Lilliaa M. Smith, Cwrrie , Tohnson, <br />Williwn Johreon,Leo L.Johnson,Oscar Johnson,Edith Johnson and Albert E.Johnson,share and share <br />alike,subject, only to the undivided one -third interest therein and subject to the dower and <br />homestead estate therein of the said Emma S. Johnson, surviving widow of the said Charles J. Johnso�, <br />deceased-i <br />The court further finds that the funeral expenses of said deceased h:�ve been fully y "id and that <br />all debts of said deceased and of his estete,if any such existed,are forever barred and precluded <br />and that the costae of these proceedings have been fully paid. <br />IT IS THRRRFFORF.. O?MRES?, fiD.TUDGFD ATM DECREED BY THE COURT that the said Charles T..Tohnson died <br />intestate in Hall County,Nebraska,on the 4th day of .Tuly,A.D.1917 ;that more than two years have <br />lapsed oetween the date of his death and the filing of the p tition herein and that no applicatilon <br />1 <br />1 <br />1 <br />1 <br />Ll <br />