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60 <br />k <br />I No. 3, HALL COUNTY <br />I� <br />2572 —KIopp Printing Co., Omaha... _. s . <br />WILL & DECREE <br />IN THE COUNTY COU1_RT OF MERRICK COUNTY,NEBRASKA. <br />In the mutter of the estate j <br />} FINAL IZCRFE. <br />of Phillip Sanders, } <br />Deceased. j Now, on this 22nd day of September.1922, this cause cLme on for <br />hearing upon the final report of Em-T.a Sanders. Executrix of said esta.te.a.nd her petition for a <br />settlement thereof.and it appearing from the proof on file in this Court and case, ,that due and <br />legal notice by publication,as by law and the orders of this Court required.has been given to <br />all persons interested in said estate of the filing of said report and the time and place for <br />hearing thereon,and there being no objections thereto, the Court.upon examination thereof,fir_ds <br />said report in all respects correct and that it should be and hereby is in all things approved <br />and allowed. <br />The Court further finds from the proof on file herein that due and legal natice,by publication, <br />as by law and the orders of this Court required,has been given to all persons having claims <br />against said estate, of the time allowed and place appointed for the filing of said claims, that <br />said time has long since expired and that all claims filed against said estate hgve been fully <br />paid by the said Emma Sanders.and that she has filed receipts therefor in this Court.wnd that <br />all other or debts of said dec eased, not filed herein, if any such there be, should be. and <br />are, hereby forever barred and precluded. <br />The Court further finds th"t the said Phillip Sanders,, died, testate, at his home in Derrick <br />County.Nebraeka, and while a resident and inhabitant thereof, on the 30th day of January,. <br />-2- <br />1922.1e"ving a last will and testament,which will has heretofore been duly filed,proven,allowed, <br />and admitted to probate in this Court,a.s by law provided. That he died seized of a fee simple <br />title of the northeast quarter of the northeast quarter (or Lot One (1) on Island),in Section <br />Thirteen (13).Township Eleven (11) North.Rar_ge Nine (9) Westin Hall County.Nebraska..and that. i <br />k <br />under the provisions of the said will of said deceased the above described real estate, together <br />i <br />with all of the personal property, effects,and estate of said deceased,wes devised and bequeathed) <br />to Emma Sanders.widow of said deceased,and that same is hereby awarded to her,and to her heirs <br />and assigns forever. <br />The Court further finds that said Executrix has accounted for Lill and singular of the pro- <br />perty and estate of said deceased coming into her hands as such Executrix.has paid all costs <br />of administering said estate.and has filed her personal legatee under said will,for <br />all of the personal prop arty, as shown by the inventory heretofore filed herein. and that same is <br />awarded to her under the will of said deceased. <br />w <br />IT IS, THF.P FORT, AY THE COURT ORDFRFD, AD-- TUDGFD, AND DECRERD that the final report of said Exe- <br />cutrix be.and the s,:,me is hereby allowed and epproved;that 411 debts and claims not filed again *t <br />said estate.if any exist.are forever barred and precluded;that the above described real estate <br />of ahich said deceased died seized.together with all personal property and effects of said de- <br />ceased.passed and descended,under the 1 rovisiuns of the will of said deceased, to the said Emma <br />Sanders, sole residuary legatee and devisee thereunder. and same is hereby awarded to her, as by <br />said will provided, and said estate is hereby closed,said Executrix disc hurg ed. and <br />released. <br />( SRAL) :Edward D. Jeffreys <br />County Judge. <br />IN THE COUNTY COURT OF ltg?±R'RICK COMITY, N.TBRASKA <br />I.Edward D.Jeffreys County Judge of Merrick County, Nebraska, do hereby certify that I have <br />cwnp,ared tie foregoing copy of Final .Decree in the matter of the Estate of Philip Sarders.De- <br />6 <br />ceased with the original record thereof,now remaining in said Court;that the same is a, correct <br />transcript thereof,and of the whole of said original record; that said Court has no Clerk <br />