<br />i
<br />the funerul..expenses of said deceased,and that there rmains.in the hands of said Executrix.of
<br />the persenal estate of said deceased., the sum of 42496.57, of which the said Mary K.McAllister haO
<br />the life use.under the terms and provisions of the last will and testament of said Robert H.McA7l-
<br />ister. aec eased. and that she has paid the . same over to herself as life tenant, and that said estate
<br />ought to be settled and closed and said Executrix discharged.
<br />The Court further finds that the said Robert H.McAllister died seized.as the owner in fee
<br />simple. of the following described real estate situated in the county of Hall and state of Nebr�,ska.
<br />to -wit: The west half of the northeast quarter. and the east half of the northwest quarter, of
<br />Section Twenty -two (22) . ,ana the south half of the southeast quarter of Section Thirteen (13) . x.11
<br />in Township Eleven (11).North.Range Ten (10) West of the Sixth P.M.; the northerly twenty -three and
<br />4 half (232) feet of Lot Five (5 ).and the westerly one -third of Lot Six (6 ),all in Block Fifty -
<br />five (55 ), of the Original Town.now City, of Grand Island;Lot Eight (8 ). in Block Seventy-five (75 )
<br />of the Original Town, now City , of Grand Island;Lot Three (3) of Westervelt's Subdivision in the aity
<br />of Grand Isl"- nd;Lot Nine W.in Block Sixty -four (64).of Wheeler & Bennett's Addition to the city
<br />of Grand Island; all of Block Fifty -two (52), in Charles Wwsmer's Third Addition to the city of
<br />Grand Island.and Lot Two (2).in Block Two (2).in Boggs & Hill's Addition to the city of Grand
<br />Island. Also a tract of land.consisting of between nine and ten acres,lgeated on the Isle of Pines,
<br />in the West Indies.
<br />-4-
<br />The Court further finds that the said estate of the said Robert H.McAllister.deceased.was of
<br />less value than fifty thousand dollars, and is not subject to an inheritance tax under the laws
<br />of the state of Nebraska, or to an estate tax under the laws of the United States.
<br />IT IS, THEREFORE, O ?.DERn, AD.TMED, AND? DECREED that the report of the said Mary K. MCAlli ster. a.s
<br />Executrix of the last will and testament of said Robert H. McAllister, deceased, be. and the same here•
<br />by is approved and allowed as and for the final report of said Executrix, said estate is settled
<br />and closed and said Executrix discharged as such.
<br />IT IS FURTHER ORDER D, AD.TUDGED,AND DECREED BY THE COURT that all persons having claims against
<br />the estate of the said Robert H.McAllister.dece&sed , if any.such there be.are forever barred and
<br />excluded from setting up or asserting any such claims against said estate.
<br />IT IS FURTHER ORDER E, ADTUDG ED, AND DFCREF.D BY THE COURT that under the terms and provisions
<br />of the last will and testament of the said Robert H- McAllister,deceased.Mary K.McAllister.his
<br />surviving widow,became the owner of a life estate in all the property.both real and personal,of s4' id
<br />deceased.with the right to use so much of the principal of said estate as the said Mary K.Mc-
<br />41lister shall deem necessary for the proper suppott and maintenance of herself during the period
<br />of her natural life, and what remains of said estate. both real and personal, upon the death of they
<br />said Mary K.McAllister,passes,by absolute title, to Robert N.McAllister,Charles I.McAllister.Wray+
<br />McAllister Egan,and Mabel McAllister Knicely,share and share alike,and distribution thereof is
<br />hereby accordingly made.
<br />J. H. Mul lin
<br />State of Nebraska,)ss. Judge.
<br />Hall County } In the County Court of Hall County, Nebraska
<br />I.J.H.Mullin.Gounty Judge oY Hull County,Nebraska.do hereby certify that I have compared the fore -
<br />OF THE ESTATE OF ROBERT H.VCALLISTRR, DFCEASFD,with the original record thereof, now remaining in said
<br />Court, that the same is a correct transcript thereof, and of the whole of such original record; that
<br />said Court is a Court of Record having; a sea.l.which seal is hereto attached; that said Court has no
<br />Clerk authorized to sign certificates in his own name,and that I am the legal custodian of said Seal
<br />and of the Records of said Court, and that the foregoing attestation is in due form of law.
<br />ITT TESTIMONY "HE'?LOF I have hereunto set my hand and affixed the seal of the County Court,at Grand
<br />Island,this 5th day of August 1922
<br />(SEAL) J.H.Mullin
<br />County Judge.
<br />By Agnes Matthews
<br />Clerk of County Court.
<br />Filed for record this 26 day of September 1922.at 4 o'clock P.M.
<br />Regis CA.�..
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