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Noo - 39 HALL COUNTY <br />' <br />2372 —ffiopp Printing Co., Omaha F <br />do hereby certify that on the 12th day of July 1917,the instrument purporting. to be the last p <br />will anal testament, of Robert H- KcAlli.ster,deceased.was filed for probate in this Court.That <br />on the 12th day of July 1917,said instrument to which this certificate is attached was duly <br />proved,probatedand allowed as the last will and testament of the .real personal estate of said <br />Robert H.McAllister.deeeased.and the same was ordered to be recorded-in the records of the <br />Court aforesaid. <br />IN WITNESS WHEREOF I have hereunto set my hand and affixed the seal of the County Court this` <br />12th day of July 1917. <br />( SEAL) J. H. Mul lin <br />County Judge. <br />IN THE COUNTY COURT OF HALL COUNTY, NEBRE SKA. <br />In the matter of the estate ) <br />j DECRFF SETTLING ESTATE. <br />of Robert H.McAllister, j <br />Deceased.. ) Now, on this 10th day of April.1922, this cause came on for hear <br />in upon the final report of k K.AicAllister Executrix of the last will an estament of the <br />g P °P r5 • <br />C <br />I <br />said RoJo:ert H. McAllister. dec eased. and the Court.having examined the recors and files,and being <br />fully advised in, the premises. finds that due and legal notice has been given to all persons <br />of time and place fixed for the hearing upon said heretofore ordered by the Court. <br />And the Court. having examined the records and files. together with said final report and the <br />f <br />vouchers on fi le, f Inds that said report is true and correct in all things, a:nd that said report <br />ought to be allowed and approved as and for the final report of said Executrix. <br />The Court further finds that due and legal notice has been given to all persons of the time and <br />place fixed by the Court for filing claims against the estate of the said Robert H.McAllister, a <br />x <br />decea.sed.and that the time so fixed has fully expired;that said Executrix has paid all claims <br />s <br />filed and allowed against said estate.a.nd that all persons having claims against said estate, R <br />if Gny such there be, not filed within the time fixed by the Court. are forever barred and ex- <br />cluded from setting up or asserting any such claims against said estate. <br />The Court further finds that the said Robert H.McAllister departed this lif e. testate, at his <br />home in Grand I sl t,nd, Nebraska. on the 7th day of July ,1917, and <br />-2- <br />at the time of hie death he was a resident and inhabitant of Hall County .Nebra ka; that on the <br />12th day of July.1917.after due notice had been given in the manner provided by law. the last <br />will and testament of the said Robert H.McAllister was duly proven. allowed. and admitted to pro- <br />a <br />bate in this Court,and letters testamentary issued thereon to Mary K. McAllister. the Executrix <br />e <br />j <br />named in said will,and that said said Robert H- KcAllister left surviving his heirs at <br />ILX le atees and devisees and his only heirs at law legatees and devisees the following named <br />persons and none other; Mary K.McAllister,hi.s surviving widow."nd mother of all of the children', <br />of the said Robert H.McAllister,Robert N.McAllister,a son.Charles I.McAllister,a son.Wray <br />McAllister Fgan,a daughter.and Babel McAllister Knicely.d daughter.all of whom are of legal age.j <br />and all of whom have joined in a written request. filed herein. asking tb4Lt the final report <br />of the said Xary K.McAllister,Fxecutrix of the last will and testament of the said Robert H. <br />McAllister,be allowed and approved as and for the final report of said Executrix and that said <br />estate be settled and closed. <br />The Court further finds that said Executrix has paid to Robert N.McAlli.ster and Charles I. <br />McAllister the two thousand dollar: bequests in favor of each of them.provided for in the third <br />paragraph of the last will and testament of the said Robert H.MeAllister,deceased,and that <br />therebyb the said Mary K.McAllister has waived her ri.ghts to the life use of said $41,000;that <br />the said M4ry K.McAllister,Executrix.has paid all the debts allowed against said estate /dad: <br />has paid the expense of the last sickness and <br />-3- <br />