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1 <br />it <br />l <br />Noo 39 HALL COUNTY <br />2892 —Mapp Printing Co.. Omaha <br />LINT RRS TESTAMENTARY <br />STATE OF TIFBRASKAP ) <br />IN COUNTY COURT. <br />COUNTY OF BUF14ALO, } <br />In the matter of the estate of J;�;nes M.Bly Deceased. <br />The State of Nebraska to Ralph R. Horth GREETING: <br />WHER- ,AS,you were on the 30th day of T"nuary.1922 duly appointed executor of the said estate: <br />Trusting,therein,in your honesty and fidelity,+ :i,- said court does,by these presents,give to <br />you full and complete authority as st._ach executor, to collect, demand and recover all the goods <br />and chattels, rights, credits and effects of the said deceased wherever the same may be found <br />in this State. <br />Within three months from this date you will make a.nd return into this court a true inventory <br />of the real estate, and all goods, chattels, rights and credits of the deceased,which shall come <br />into your possession or knowledge-And you will pay the claims,if any,against the said estate or <br />any dividend thereon, only after the said claims have been duly allowed and entered in ,judgment <br />oy the court, unless otherwise ordered by the court; and you will further render a just and <br />correct account of y ou.r administratiori' when required by the court, and do all acts required of <br />y ou by law. <br />Witness my hand and official seal this 2nd day of Februa.ry,1922 <br />(SEAL) J.M•F.asterling <br />County Judge.. <br />In Duplicate. <br />IN THE COUNTY COURT OF BUFFALO COUNTI . NEBRASKA. <br />STATE OF IRTMRASKA, <br />} SS. IN RE: ESTATE OF JAPES V. BLY: <br />COUNTY OF BUFFALO. % <br />I,,T.M.Zusterling,County Judge within and for said county,do hereby certify, <br />That I am the sole Judge and ax- officio Clerk of the County Court within and for said county, <br />and as such judge I am by law,the sole custodian of the seal, records ,files,books,papgrs,documents <br />and of :;11 the appurtenznces belonging to said office,and the same are now in my quite undis- <br />puted possession. That said court is a court of record having a seal, that the above and foregoing <br />instrument to which this certificate is attached is a true copy of <br />Petition, Order for Hearing and Notice of Pro "ba.te of Will, Af fi.dav it of Publication, erder admi t f - <br />ing Will to Probate and For Letters testamentary,Will and Letters Testamentary in the estate of i <br />James P. Bly ,deceased, as the same remains and now appears upon the records of said court, and that <br />the same is - \true, full and correct transcript of the same. <br />In witness -whereof I have hereunto set my hand and the seal of the said County Court,a.t <br />Kearney, in said county, this 20th day of September,1922 <br />(SEAL) <br />J.M.iaasterling <br />County Judge and Ex-officio. Clerk of <br />said Court. <br />Filed for record this 21 day of September 1922,a.t 10 o'clock A.M. <br />Register of Deeds <br />0-0-0-0-10 -0 -0 -0 -0 -0 -0 -0 -0-0 -0 -0-0 -0-0-0-0 -0 -0-0 -0-0 -0-0-0-0 -0-0-0-0-0-0-0 -0-0-0 -0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0- <br />i <br />