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will and testament be admitted to probate and established as a will and testament of real and <br />personal estate. <br />IT IS FURTHER ORDER-M that letters testamentary issue thereon to Ralph R.Horth who has accepted <br />said trust.upon his giving bond in the sum of Thirty Thousand ($30,000.00) Dollars and taking <br />the oath required by law. <br />IT IS FURTHER ORI?ERTM, that the said Ralph R.Horth as such executor be allowed until the 30th ! <br />day of January.1923 for the settlanent of said estate. <br />IT IS FURTHER ORDERED that notice be given by publication for four consecutive weeks prior to <br />the Sth day of Mwi,1922,in the Shelton Clipper a legal newspaper published in said county to <br />creditors of said estate to file in this court their claims against said estate itemized and veri..9 <br />fied as required by law,and also to meet the executor before said court on the 8th day of May. <br />1922,at 9 oCclock a.m.,for thN purpose of presenting their said claims for examina.tion,a.diustrnent <br />and allowance. <br />Three months are allowed for creditors thus to present their claims.and all claims not so <br />filed as aforesaid will be forever barred. <br />IT IS FURTHER ORDERM that G.L.Bastian and A. F. Bills disinterested persons of said county <br />be and they hereby are appointed appraisers of said estate. <br />(SRAL) By the Court, <br />J. M. Ra,s to rling <br />County Judge. <br />I..Tames M.Bly.of Shelton, Nebra.ska, being of sound mind and disposing make and publish <br />this ray last will and testament, in the manner and f orin following. <br />First: I direct that icy just debts.if any.and the expenses attending my burial be first paid. <br />Second: I give un d bequeath to my beloved wife, Angie M. Bly , in the event she sury iv#3 s me, the su;n <br />of Ten Thousand ($10000.00) Dollars to be paid within one year after my death.the payment of <br />which is to be a. charge upon both the personal and real estate of which I shall digs the owner. <br />The above bequest in favor of my said wife. to be in lieu of "Il her rights in " d to my estate <br />under the law,as existing at the time of my death. <br />Third. I give and bequeath to each of my grandchildren.a.nd each of my great grand children.livipg <br />at the time of my death. the sum of One Hundred ($100) Dollars. <br />Fourth: I give and bequeath to mr adopted daughter,Elsie Blythe sum of Five Hundred (8500) Dollars. <br />Fifth: I give devise and bequeath all the rest, residue and remainder of the estate of which I <br />shall die the owner,to my own children.Fa,nnie Burmood Ida Smith and Carlton Bly,share and share <br />alike. <br />Sixth: I nominate and appoint Ralph R.Horth of Grand executor of this will, <br />hereby granting unto said exexcutor full power and authority to sell and convey all of the real <br />estate of which I shall dire the caner and out of the proceeds from such the special <br />bequests cont,ined herein.and divide the balance of such proceeds among the residuary legatees <br />amad devisees as herein provided. <br />Seventh: I hereby revoke any and all former wills made by me. <br />In testimony whereof I have hereunto set my hand this 14th d,,y of September,1920. <br />Witnesses Jaynes M. Bly <br />Viola AI. Campbell, of Shalton,Nebre ska.. <br />Grace Conroy , of Shelton, Nebraska. <br />i <br />We whose names are hereunto subscribed,do hereby certify that Jaynes M.Bly.the testator sub - <br />scribed his name to the foregoing instrument in ogrpresence and in the presence of each of us. <br />nd wt the same time and in our presence and hearing declared the foregoing instrument to be hid <br />last will and testament, and we, at his request and in his presence and in the presence of each <br />other have hereunto subscribed our names as attesting witnesses. Viola. A.Campbell <br />Grace Conroy. <br />