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No. 3, HALL CO <br />2572 -111opp Printing Co., Omaha ". _..�_ ... <br />IN THE COU*TTY COURT OF BUFFkL0 COUNTY, NEBRASKA. <br />On filing the petition of Ralph R.I:orth praying that the written instrument filed in said <br />court.purporting to be the lust will and testament of James M.Bly deceased,be admitted to pro - <br />bate and allowed as the last will of deceased.and execution of said will and administration of <br />said estate be granted to Ralph R.Horth as executor. <br />IT IS HER IBY OR?m'RED that a h44ring be had upon said petition in said court on the 26th day <br />of November. 1921 at 9 o'clock, a.m. at which time and place all persons interested in said estate <br />are required to appear and show cause.why the prayer of said petition should not be granted. <br />It is further ordered that notice of said hearing; be given to all said persons by publication <br />of a copy of this order for three successive weeks prior to said day of hearing in the Shelton <br />Clipper, a legal newspaper in said county. <br />published <br />Witness my hand and official seal this 27th day of October,1921. <br />( SEAL) J. M. Easterling, j <br />County Judge. <br />Horth & Ryan, Attorney. <br />The State of Nebraska ) <br />The County of Buffalo j <br />E.L.Templin being first duly sworn says that he is editor of the <br />Shelton Clipper.a, weekly newspaper printed in whole and published in its entirety at it •s officee <br />s <br />ma.inta..ined in said county.and of general circulation therein,at"Whas bbeen published ford <br />more than 52 weeks in said county prior to the first Publication of the annexed notice,and has <br />a bona .fide circulation of more than 300 copies,wnd that the notice.a true copy of which is <br />hereto annexed.was published in said paper three consecutive weeks, once in each weeks commencing, <br />t <br />on the 3rd day of November,1921. <br />E.L. Templin <br />i <br />Subscribed and sworn to before me this 17 day_ of November, 1921. <br />A. D. Dickinson, Notary Public <br />ORTER ADMITTING !'ILL TO PROBATE AND FOR LETTFRS TESTAMENTARY. <br />In the County_ Court of Buffalo County, Nebraska.. <br />t <br />In the Matter of the Estate of James M.Bly.deceu.sed. <br />Now on this 30th day of January,1922, this matter comes on for hearing before the court on the' <br />petition of Ralph R.Iiorth� fo.r the probate of the will of James M.Bly deceased.and for the issue <br />of letters testamentary thereon to petitioner and the objections to the probate of said will, <br />filed by B.,T.Cunninghwn,guardian ad litem and attorney for contestant and is submitted to the <br />court upon the pleadings and the evidence adduced. The court finds against the contestants. <br />It appears to the court from proofs on file that notice of the pendency of this petition and <br />the time and place of the hearing thereon has been given to all persons interested in said estut4 <br />as required by law and the order of this court heretofore wade and entered herein. Whereupon V4,014 <br />A. Campbell, and Grace Conroy onethe subscribing witnesses, to said instrument appears Ore sworn <br />and testify. <br />On consideration whereof the court finds that the said .Tames M.Bly died on the 19th day of <br />Octo'aer.1921. that he was immediately preceding his death " resident of said county; that said <br />last will and testament of the said deceased.was duly executed as required by law; that said <br />i <br />deceased at the time of making said will was of sound mind and memory, not under any restraint <br />I <br />or under undue influence.and in all respects competent to devise real and personal estate.a,nd <br />! <br />that said instrument is his last will and testament; that said will has been duly proven and shou>�d <br />i <br />r <br />be allowed as and for his last will End testament. <br />i <br />IT IS THEREFORE', ORDMO. ADJUDGED A111D DECREED by the court that said last will and testament <br />r <br />of the said Twines M.Bly was duly executed, that the same is genuine and valid. and that said 1,att <br />i <br />