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251 <br />A <br />SEEM <br />WILL AND DECREE <br />LAST WILL ANT) TESTAVENT <br />OF <br />CHARLES J. BARROWS <br />IN THE N&F OF G ODD AM. <br />I,Charles T.Barrows,of South Platte Township.Hall County. Nebraska, being of sound mind.memory and <br />understanding. considering, the certainty of death and the uncertainty of the time thereof.and being <br />o.dsirous to settle my wordly 4Lffairs.,Lnd thereby be the better prepLLrred to leave this world when <br />it shall please the i�lmighty to call me therefore make and publish this my last Will and <br />Testament,hereby revoking and annulling all Wills by me heretofore ma,& manner and form foll- <br />owi ng. that i s t o say: <br />First. and principally. commit myisoul into the hands of Almighty God. and my body to the earth. <br />to be decently buried at the discretion of irw Executri-xhereinafter named; and my Will is, that all, <br />my just debts and funeral-. expenses shall be paid by my Executrix hereinafter named as soon after <br />rV decease as shall be convenienti <br />Secondj give,devise and bequeath to my wife.Evelyn A.Berrows,the whole of my estate.both real. <br />personal and mixed to her "noler heirs and assigns, forever. <br />And Lastly .I do nominate.. constitute and appoint Evelyn A. Bi-rrows, Executrix of this nW last Will <br />and Testament. and I desire that my Executrix hereinbefore named shall not be required to give <br />bond for the faithful performance of the duties of that office. <br />IN TESTIMONY V1HERFOF.I have set my hand and seal this this.nV last Will and Testament at My <br />home in Soqth Platte Township,Hall County. Nebraska. this 19th day of July. in the yeur of our Lpitd, <br />one thousand, nine hundred and twenty one. <br />Charles ZT- Burrows (Seal) <br />SICITED.SFALED, PUBLISHED AND DECLARED <br />By the said Charles our and for his last Will and Testa.mdnt.and at <br />his request and in our presence.and in the presence of teatah other.we have hereunto subscribed our <br />names as attesting witnesses thereto. <br />James N. Clark. <br />Hastings.Nebr. <br />Harry F-Ruesell. <br />Hastings, Nebraska <br />CERTIFICATE OF PROBATE OF WILL <br />State of Nebraska. ) <br />) <br />Hall County. At " session of the County Court held in the County Court Room in Grand, <br />Island, in said County ,on the 23rd day of February A. D.1922. <br />Present J-11-Mullin,County Judge. <br />IN THE )FATTER OF THR ESTATE <br />OF <br />Charles J- Barrows. deceased. <br />I,J.H.Mullin,Judge of the. County Court in and for said County. do <br />hereby certify that on the 27th day of Janu"ry,1922.the instrument purporting to be the last will <br />and testament of Charles J.Bk;zrows,deceased.was filed for probate in this Court. That on the <br />23rd day of Februe-ry,1922,said instrument to which this certifidate is attached w"s duly proved„ <br />probated and allowed as the last will and testament of the reu.1 personal estate of said Charles <br />J.Be-rrows,deceasedoa,nd the same was ordered to be recorded in the records of the Court aforesaid. <br />IN TITNFISS 7IMPR-ITOF I have hereunto set my hand and affixed the seal of the County Court <br />this 23rd day of February. 1922. <br />SEAL) J. H-Mullin <br />County Judge. <br />I <br />I <br />I <br />I <br />I <br />