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245 <br />K <br />1111! � NMI <br />WILL & CERTIFICATE AND FINAL DECREE <br />Iii THE COUNTY COURT OF HALL COUNTY,NEBRASKA <br />In the matter of the estate ) <br />} FINAL DECREE. <br />of Sarah Ann Shoemaker, <br />Deceased. ) Now, on this 26th day of August,1922,this cause came on for <br />nearing upon the final report of Samuel M. Shoemaker,Executor of the estate and will of said de- <br />ceased,and his petition for a final settlement of said estate,and it appearing from the proof <br />on file that due and legal notice,a.s by law and the orders of this Court required,has been given <br />to all persons interested in said estate,of the filing of same and the time and pls;,ce for hear- <br />ing thereon,µnd there being no objections thereto,the Court,upon examination of said report, <br />finds same in all respects correct and that it should be approved and allowed by this Court. <br />The Court further finds that due and legal notice,as by law wnd the orders of this Court re- <br />quired,has been given by publication to all creditors and others having claims against said estate, <br />of t�f.e_ trime and place for filing same, that said time has fully expired and no claims have been <br />filed against said estate,and that the said Executor has paid all of the special legacies provided <br />for under the will of said decea.sed,has paid all of the funeral expenses of deceused,and the costs <br />of administration, and that he has not received any personal property of any kind 'or nature,has <br />made said payments from his own funds,makes no claim for reimbursement thereof and waives all <br />claims against said estate by reason of said expenses and costs so paid by hink,"nd that all unfiled <br />claims, if any exist, should be forever barred and precluded. <br />-2- <br />The Court further finds that the said Sarah Ann Shoemaker died, testate, in Hall County ,Nebraska, <br />and while a resident thereof, on November 11,1921, leaving a last will and testament which has <br />heretofore been duly filed,proven a,llowed,,,and probated in this Court,as by law required;that <br />she died seized in fee simple of the ewst half of the southwest quarter of Section Fourteen (14), <br />in Township Eleven (11). North. Range Ten (10) West,Hall County, Nebraska, and that under the pro- <br />visions of her said will,the free use of said premises was devised to Samuel M.Shoemaker and <br />Nancy Belle Shoemaker,wi th full power and authority given to the said Samuel M. Shoemaker, to sell <br />and convey the same at his- �discretion,but to use and occupy same,free of rental and other charges, <br />jointly with the said Nancy Belle Shoemaker until so sold. <br />That under the provisions of said will,the proceeds from the same of said lands,when sold <br />by the said Samuel M. Shoemaker,wa.s devised and bequeathed, one -half urito the said Samuel M. Shoemaker, <br />one - fourth unto the said Nancy Belle S #oemaker,a.nd one- fourth unto George E.Shoemaker,son of <br />said deeeused,provi &d, however. that if the said George E.Shoemaker should die before said land <br />is 0,old, then the said one - fourth of the. proceeds bequeathed and devised to him, to be paid in equal <br />shares to the said Samuel M.Shoemaker and Nancy Belle Shoemaker,and said_ land is so awarded under <br />the provisions of said will; that the said Samuel M. Shoemaker, Executor, has accounted for all and <br />singule..r of the property and estate of said deceased coming into his hands. <br />IT IS, TN�REFORR, BY TILT COURT ORDERFD, ADJUDGED, AND DECREED that the final report of the said <br />Executor. bee and the same is hereby allowed and approved, that all debts and claims not filed <br />against said estate,if any exist,are forever barred and precluded. that the said above described <br />real estate'of which the said deceased died seized,passed and -descended,under the provisions of <br />said will,the free use of same jointly to the said Seepuel M.Shoemaker and Nancy Belle Shoemaker, <br />until sold,as provided under said will,the said sale to be made by the said Samuel M.Shoemaker <br />a.t his discretion, and after the sale thereof the proceeds to be divided between the said Samuel <br />i <br />M. Shoemaker, Nancy Belle Shoemaker, and George E. Shoemaker, as in said will provided and as herein- <br />before found, and in case of the death of the said George E. Shoemaker prior to the sale of said <br />lands and the dividion of the proceeds thereof,his one - fourth interest to be equally divided <br />1 <br />�i <br />1 <br />