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233 <br />{ <br />WRLL AND DEGREE RECORD <br />our names hereto in his presence as attesting witnesses. <br />V. E. Warren. <br />A. Carney;. <br />The Court further finds that said will was duly admitted to probate in this Court on the 24th <br />day of June,1918;The Court farther finds that at the time of the death of the said J.W.Welpton hie <br />left as his sole and only heirs,a.t law, the following persons, to -wit: Hester Welpton,his wife; <br />Bess W. Dutch, a daughter, and Mabel Welpt on, a daughter,and the court finds that these are all and <br />the only heirs at law of the said T.W.Welpton.deceased. <br />The Court further finds that the said -'wbcecutrix has complied with,a.nd distributed all and <br />singular,of the estate,personal,real and mixed,left by the said manner and form <br />as provided for in said will,that is to say,the said Hester Welpton,executrix as provided,has paid <br />to Lo -pisa Otter, the sum of; two thousand dollars, to be paid to her during her life time, as her <br />needs may require. <br />The Court further finds that the said executrix has delivered to Ulivia Seymour,all of the <br />notes which she held,signed by her,together with ten cash,the receipt of which,for tho <br />fulfillment of the provisions of the terms of the will,relative to the said Olivia Seymour,is upon <br />file in this office. <br />The Court further finds that the said Hester Welpton,as Executrix has assigned and transferred <br />to Hester Mary Dutch,ten (10) shares of the capital stock of the Welpton Investment Company of <br />0galallu.Nebrask4,as provided by paragraph six (6) of this will. <br />The Court further finds that the said Hester Welpton,as executrix of said Estate,has assigned <br />and transferred to Ralph Welpton Dutch,ten (10) shares of the capital stock of the Welpton In- <br />vestment Company,of Ogalalla, Nebraska. as provided by <br />13. <br />paragraph seven (7) of said Will. <br />The Court further finds that the said Hester Welpton,as such Executrix,has assigned and transferred <br />to Label Welpton, four hundred (400) shares of the capital stock in the Welpton Investment Company; <br />also ten (10) shares of the capital stock of the Exchange Bank,of Ogalal,Ia, Nebraska: also the sum <br />of Five Hundred (4500) dollars,in cash,in a,coorda.nce with the provisions of Paragraph Eight (8) <br />of said Will. <br />The Court further finds th;.�t the said Hester Welpton,as such executrix,has assigned and transt <br />ferred,to Bess W.Dutch,four #undred (400) shares of the capital stock of the Welpton Lumber Company, <br />of Ogalalla, Nebraska; also ten (10) shares of the c"pi tal stock of the .Exchange Bank of Ogalalla. <br />Nebraska,�And the sum of Five Hundred 1$500) dollars,in cash,as provided by Paragraph Nine (9) <br />of said will. <br />The Court further finds that the said Executrix has sold,assigned and transferred to the said! <br />Bess W.Dutch, 324 shares of stock in the Welpton Lumber Company,which sale and trAnsfer was duly <br />made under authority duly obtained from this court for said sale. <br />The Court further finds that Hester Welpton,as sumh executrix,has transferred to T.I.Dutch, <br />one share of the capital stock of the First State Bank of Brule,Nebraska. <br />To R.E.Dutch,one share of the capital stock of the First State Bank of Brule,Nebraska.. <br />To C.C.Worden, one share of the capital stock of the First State Bank of Brule,Nebraska. <br />To F.T.Williams,one share of thm capital stock of the First State Bank of Brule,Nebraska. <br />To V.E.Warren,one share of the capital stock of the First State Bunk of Brule,Nebraska. <br />To Hubert K_ildare,one share of the capital stock of the First State Bank of Brule,Nebraska. <br />To H "race SLmders,one share of the capital stock of the First State Bank of Brule,Nebraska. <br />14. <br />To C.C.Worden two (2) shares of the capital stock of the First State Bank of Brule,Nebra,ska; <br />1 <br />1 <br />1 <br />1 <br />