<br />was duly proved, approved, and allowed, whe rein you are appointed executrix thereof,and whereas,t4e
<br />power of committing administration and full difsposition of all and singular the goods,chattels,
<br />rights,credits and estate whereof the said deceased died possessed,in the State of Nebraska,anc
<br />also the hearing, examining and allowing of such administration doth appertain unto our said
<br />County Court;and you having given a bond in the premises,which has been duly approved and filed
<br />as required by law in that behalf,wherefore,we,being desirous that the goods,chattels,rights,c3te-
<br />dits and estate of the said testator may be well and faithfully administered,applied and disposed
<br />of, do grant unto y ou, th e said Hester Welpton full power, by these presents, to administer and
<br />faithfully dispose of according to law and the will of said testator,all and singular the goods,
<br />chattels,ri.ghts,credits and estate of said deeeased,within the State of Nebra,ska,which shall ate
<br />any time come into your possession, or. to the possession of aro, other person for you, and to ask,
<br />gather, levy,.recover and receive all the goods, chattels, rights, credits and estate whatsoever of I'
<br />said deceased,which to him while he 12ved,and at the time of hie death did belong and to pay and
<br />discharge all debts and charges chargeable on the same,or ouch dividends thereof as shall be
<br />ordered and decreed by our said County Court;Hereby requiring you to make return to our said Court,
<br />within three moriths,a true and perfect inventory of all the goods, chattels, rights,credits an&
<br />estate of laid deceased,which shall come to your possession or knowledge,or to the
<br />be
<br />possession of any other person for you,and also to render a just and true account of your admio-
<br />istration to our said Court,within one year,gnd at any other time when required by our said
<br />Court, and to perform all orders and decrees of our said Court by you. to be performed in the
<br />premises.. And we do,by these presents,depute.constitute and appoint you,the said H *ster Welpton.
<br />executrix of all and singular the goods,chattels,rights,credits and estate of the said John W.
<br />Welpton, deceased.
<br />Witness my official signature and the seal of the County Court of Keith County,Nebraska,
<br />this 24th day of June, A. D. 1918..
<br />(SEAL) C.E. Cunningham, County Judge.
<br />Couy of Will attached to Letters Testamentary.
<br />Filed July 1,1918,which is in words and figures as shown in proof of publication thereof.
<br />Filed Aug. 2,1918, which are in words and f gures as follows:
<br />The State of Nebraska,Keith County:ss.
<br />In the County Court.
<br />In the Matter of the Estate of John W.Welpton,Deceased..
<br />To the creditors of said estate:
<br />You spa hereby notified that I will sit at the County Court Room in Ogallala in said county,,
<br />on August 3rd,1918, and February 3rd,1919, to receive and examine all claims against said estate,,
<br />with a view to their adjustment and allowance. The time limited for the presentation of claims
<br />against said estate is six months from the 3rd day of Augu8t,A.D.1918,4&nd the time limited for
<br />the payment of debts is one year from said 3rd day of February,1919.
<br />Witness my hand and the seal of said County Court this 1st day of Tuly.1918.
<br />OSFAL) C. E. Cunningham,,C oui.ty 'Judge.
<br />A. Muldoon, Attorney.
<br />State of Nebraska, County of Keithia,3-
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