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<br />AL__.
<br />2572--1140M Printing Co.. Omaha
<br />DRCRER.
<br />i
<br />IN Ti S COU
<br />In the matter of the estate }
<br />of Stephen J. Le e, )
<br />Deceased. )
<br />167
<br />o. 3, HALL COUNTY
<br />DE, CREF.
<br />Now, on this 18th day of February, 1922, this cause came on for
<br />hearing upon the petition of Mary rata. Rose,an interested and qualified petitioner,heretofore
<br />filed herein,praying for a set lement of the estate of Stephen J.Lee,deceased,wnd a finding
<br />that hp died intestate, and for lu determination of his heirs at law, thei r degree of kinship to
<br />him and the right of descent of the real estate owned by him.said petitioner being represented
<br />by Ilorth & Ryan,her attorneys, and the Court.having herd the evidence in sup port thereof and sa4 d
<br />cause being duly submitted to he Court and it being duly advised in the -remises finds that dui
<br />and legal notice by publicati0 , in the "Grand Island Independent%& legal newspaper in said
<br />county, for three successive we�ks prior to this hea.ring.had been duly given to all persons in--
<br />i
<br />terested in said estate,including the heirs at law and creditors of said deceased,of the filings
<br />of said petition cGnd of the ti e and place for hearing thereon, which time was more than thirty
<br />days and not less than sixty days after the filing; of said - )etitior..and no one appearing to ob-
<br />ject thereto,the said cause wa duly submitted to the Court upon said petition, nd notice,and
<br />s
<br />the evidence of petitioner-in support thereof, "nd the Court being duly advised in the premises,'
<br />finds that the allegations of the petition are true;that the said Stephen J.Lee died intestate
<br />at Glenwood.Iowa,4nd while a resident and inhabitant of said place,on March 3,1917,and that
<br />more than two years have elapsed since his death and no a.pulicution or petition has been filed
<br />in the state of Nebraska for the appointment of an administrator of his estate,and that no
<br />administration of his said estate has every been had at any place.
<br />The Court further finds that the said deceased left surviving hinUas his heirs and only
<br />heirs at law Lend next of kin,t�e following named person: i;mes Lee,his father,of Newton.Iowa.
<br />and that his degree If kinship I t o deceased was that of surviving father; that said deceased was
<br />never married and lefty nc issue or descendants him surviving.
<br />The Court further finds that said deceased died seized of and the. owner in fee simple of an
<br />estate of inheritance of.in,an to the nortir.lest quarter of Section twenty (20),in Township
<br />Number Eleven (11) North,Range Eleven (11) West,in Y.,,ll County. Nebraska,whi. ch said real estate,4
<br />upon the death of said decease ,passed and de scended. by operation of law. under the laws of des -ii
<br />i
<br />cent then in force in the stet of Nebraska,to said James Le.e,father of said deceased.absolute1�
<br />an ,J.in fee simple.
<br />The Court further finds tha all of the funeral expenses of said deceased and the costs of t
<br />proceeding:; have been fully pai and that deceased left no debts so far as known,and that all
<br />I
<br />debts or claims against his es ate,if any exist,hdve long since lre*.*n barred by the Statute of
<br />Limitation of the state of Nebraska.-and that said petitioner is entitled to a decree as prayed
<br />in said ,- ),.rtition.
<br />M
<br />The Court further finds that the said James Lee died testate at Long Beach,Culifornia,on
<br />November 29,1921.but while a resident of Newton,Iowa,a.nd that said Jaynes Lee left a last will j
<br />t
<br />and testament which has her-itofore been duly filed,nroven,allowed.and admitted to - )robate in
<br />the courts of Iowa having jurisdiction of the settlement of his said estate; that under the
<br />terms Lind provisions of his said last will and testwnent the above described lards and premised
<br />p
<br />were duly devised to Chaucer G.Lee and Mary Etta Rosg,the latter being *he petitioner,herein, son°
<br />U,nd daughter of said James Lee,deceased.
<br />i
<br />The Court further finds,under the allegations of said petition and the evidence of said
<br />parties in support thereof,and upon due and proper investigation made by said Court.that the
<br />value of said above described remises on March 3,1917,at the time of the death of said Stephen
<br />J.Lee,xas C16,000,wnd that under the laws of the state of Nebraska, in force at said time said
<br />