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1 <br />1 <br />1 <br />No. 39 HALL COUNTIE <br />2572 =Klopp Printing Co., Omaha <br />DECREE: <br />IN THE CC:TJTTTY COURT OF HALL "CUNTY, NEBRASKA. <br />In the matter of the estate of ) <br />Decree. <br />7acob J.Lorentzen, de -leased. <br />Now on this 23rd day of February, 1922, this cause <br />came on for hearing upon the petition of Jacob J.Lorentzen, a son of ;.acob J.Lorentzen, <br />deceased, <br />heretofore filed herein, praying for a settlement of the estate of said Jacob J.Lorentzen, de- <br />ceased, and for a finding of the date of his death, that he died intestate, for a determination <br />of who were his heirs at law and their respective degree of kinship to him, and the right of <br />descent of the real estate owned by him at the time of his death, and said petitioner being <br />represented by Horth & Ryan, his attorneys, and the court having heard the evidence in support <br />of said petition and examined the records and files herein, and being duly advised in the prem- <br />ises, finds, that due and legal notice, by publication in the Grand Island 'Independent, a legal <br />newspaper published in said county, for three successive weeks prior to this hearing, has been <br />given to all persons interested in said estate, including heirs at law and creditors of said <br />F <br />q <br />deceased, of the filing of said petition and of the time and place fixed for the hearing thereon,' <br />as heretofore ordered by the court, which time was more than thirty days and less then sixty <br />days after the filing of said petition; that the allegations of said petition are true, that the <br />said Jacob J.Lorentzen died intestate at his home in Hall County, Nebraska, on the 13th day of <br />April, 1896 and at the time of his deFath he-was a resident and inhabitant of Hall County, Nebras* <br />and at the time of his death the said Jacob J.Lorentzen was the owner of the following des.ribe di <br />real estate situated in the cotmty of Hall and State of Nebraska, to -wit: The southwest quarter <br />of the northwest of Section Fifteen (15) and a piece and parcel of land described as follows: <br />i <br />Commencing at the northwest corner of the northwest quarter of the southwest quarter of section <br />Fifteen (15), and running thence east forty -four rods and eight feet to the west line of the j <br />q <br />right of way of the Omaha and Republi an 'Talley Railway Company, thence south, along said line, ' <br />forty -one rods and four feet to a private road, thence west forty -six. rods to the west line of <br />said Section Fifteen (15), thence north, along said west line of said section 15, to the place <br />i <br />of beginning, and containing Eleven and two - thirds acres, a-little more or less. Also the <br />southeast quarter of the northeast quarter and the northeast quarter of the southeast quarter <br />of Section Sixteen (16), and part of the northeast quarter of the northwest quarter of said <br />Section Sixteen (16) described as follows: Commencing at the northeast corner of the northwest <br />quarter of the northwest quarter of said Section 16 and running south, parallel with the west <br />q <br />line of said Section 16, for a distance of eighty rods, then ^e east, parallel with the north <br />line of said section 16, for a distance of Thirty -two rods, thence north, parallel with the west <br />line of said sec -tion 16, eighty rods, thence west, along the north line of said section 16, <br />thirty -two rods to the place of beginning, and containing sixteen acres, a little more or less, <br />j all of the above described real estate being in Township Twelve (12), North, Range Nine (9), West, <br />!of the 6th P.M.; that more than two years have elapsed since the death of the said Jacob J. Lor- <br />a <br />entzen and no application or petition has ever been filed in the State of Nebraska for the <br />'appointment of an administrator of his estate, and that no administration of his estate has ever <br />been had; that said deceased left surviving him as his heirs at law and his only heirs at law, <br />+ ' i <br />the following named persons: Christina Elizabeth Lorentzen, his widow, Christina M.RitterbusoN <br />a daughter, Amanda W.Lorentzen, a daughter, Henry J.Lorentzen, a son, now deceased, and Jacob <br />J.Lorentzen, a son and the petitioner herein; that said deceased left no debts and that his <br />,funeral expensed have been fully paid, and that if any debts existed against said estate, they <br />have long since been barred by the statutes of limitation,of the State of Nebraska,; that upon <br />the death of the said Jacob J.Lorentzen, the real estate hereinbefore described, passed and de- <br />Ascended under the intestate laws of the State of Nebraska, then in force, to said Christina U. <br />Ritterbusch, Amanda W.Lorentzen, Henry J.Lorentzen and Jaoob J.Lorentzen, daughters and sons of <br />