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1 <br />1 <br />1 <br />1 <br />1 <br />149 <br />No. 3, HALL -COUNTT <br />2572 —K%" Printing Co.. Omaha <br />certify that on the 24th day of April 1919, the instrument purporting to be the last will <br />and testament of Leroy C.Brown,deceased,was filed for probate in this Court. That on the 7th <br />days of May 1919.said instrument to which this certificate is attached was duly ptoved,probated <br />and allowed as the last will and testament of the real personal estate of said Leroy C.Brown, <br />deceased,and the same was ordered to be recorded in the records of the Court aforesaid. <br />IN WITNESS WHEREOF I have hereunto set rq hand and affixed the seal of the County Court this <br />7th day of May 1919. <br />( AL) J. H. Mullin <br />County Judge. <br />ITT THE COUNTY COURT OF HALL COUNTY , NRBRASKA. <br />IN TH7 MATTER OF TH'a' F.STATTV, ) <br />OF FINAL T1F.CRFF. <br />LF ROY C, BROYM. DFCFASED. ) <br />Now, on this 31st day of December,1921. it appearing to the satisfaction <br />of the court from the proof now on file, that notice has been given to all persons interested <br />in the manner required by law and by order of Court .dated December 15, 1921,this cause came on <br />to be heard upon the final report of Angie R. Brown,Executrix of the Last Will and Testament <br />of LeRoy C. Brown. deceased. <br />On cons 4ideration of the report, the files and the evidence. the Court finds that said Execut- <br />rix has accounted for all of the estate of said deceased which aame to her possession or under <br />her control;that she has received from all sources the aura of $2968.87 and that she has paid <br />out for medical attendance.furnerwl expenses.taxes,and expense of administering the estate the <br />sum of $2968.87.und that remains no money or other personal property in her hands for distri- <br />bution;that said report is correct in all respects and ought to be allowed. <br />The Court finds that notice was given to creditors of said deceased as to the time limited <br />and place appointed for filing claims against the estate of said deceased ;that the time so <br />allowed for filing claims has fully expired;tha.t all claims filed and allowed against the es- <br />tate of said LeRoy C. Bravn, deceased. have been paid and satisfied and that all claims and demandp <br />of whatsoever nature outstanding against said deceased,if any such there be,are therefore fbr,-;, <br />ever barred and excluded. <br />It is therefore considered and adjudged by the Court that the report of the Executrix of <br />the estate of Leroy C. Brown. deceased, be and the same hereby is approved and allowed as and for <br />her fin41 account and she is discharged of her trust and her bond released. <br />It is further considered and adjudged goat all persons are forever barred and precluded fr <br />filing or setting up any claims or demands against the estate of LeRoy C. Brown, deceased. <br />The Court finds that the said LeRoy C.Brown departed this life on the 21st day of March. � <br />1919, being at the time of his death a. residept and inhabitant of Hall County.Nebraska.and that <br />he left a last will and testament which instrument was duly proved,allowed,and admitted to <br />i <br />i <br />probate in this court on the 7th day of Xay, 1919, anal that he left surviving him as his only <br />r <br />heirs at law Angie R. Br own, his widow, and LeRoy C. M. Br own, hi s son. <br />The Court finds that the said Leroy C.Brown died seized in fee of the following described <br />real estate situate in the county of Hell and State of -wit; <br />Lots One (1) and Two (2) in Block Twenty Eight (28) of the Original Town,now City.of Grand <br />Island; <br />I <br />Lot Five (5) and the, westerly half of Lot Six (6) in Block Thirteen (13) in the Original Town, <br />i <br />now City, of Grand Island; <br />.Lot Fight (8) in Block Twenty -six (26) in the Original Town,now City,of Grand Island; <br />Lot One (1) in Block One hundred twenty nine (129) in Union Pacific Railway Company's Second <br />i <br />