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1 <br />1 <br />1 <br />1 <br />No. 3 . HALL COUNTY <br />2572 -106pp Printing Co., Omaha <br />The Northwest Quarter (NW4) and the North Half (NJ) of the Southwest Quarter (SW4),the <br />South Half (SJ) of the Boutheast Quarter (SE4).and all that part of the South Half (St) of •, <br />the Southwest Quarter (SW-1) lying north of the right -of way of the Chicago, Burlington & Quincy <br />4 <br />Railroad Company.all in Section Thirteen (13),Township Twelve (12),Runge Twelve (12) west, <br />a.nd comprising about 340 acres of land," little more or less;also Lots One.Two,Three.Fou '7, <br />Five, Six, Seven,Eleven. Twelve.and a strip of ground 2 feet wide and a. hundred and twenty feet <br />r <br />wide off' of the south side of lot thi rteen,and also lots Eighteen and Nineteen all in Block <br />_ s <br />Eight (8) in the Village of Cairo.Nebraska;Also an undivided one- fqurth interest in Lot Eight <br />3 <br />(8) of Hayman's suu- division of the West Half (WJ) of the Northwest Quarter (NWJ) of Section <br />Twenty -five (25 ),in Township Eleven (11), North, Range Ten (10);also Lots Twelve and Thirteen <br />(12 & 13) in Block Four (4),and Lots Fourteen,Fifteen, Sixteen, EeventeomTighteen ,Nineteen,Twent� <br />and Twenty-one (14,15,16,17,18,19,20 & 21),in 131ock Two (2) in Hi.ght's Addition to West Ogden, <br />Utah; and that all of said premises and all of the real estate and property owned by said deceasjed <br />at t2ne time of his death passed and descended, under the terms and conditions of said will,and w48 <br />devised to the said Susie M.Robinson,sole residuary legatee and devisee. <br />A d executors have accounted for all and singular of the T)ro- <br />The court further finds that s�.i exe u g _ , <br />perty and estate ccmin3 into their hands or into their -,possession. That said Susie M. Robinson_, <br />as residuary leg"t_se' has contributed .-sufficient funds to pay /all outstanding deb.ts,claims and <br />costs of administration in ' excess of the amount of said property and moneys coming into the <br />hands of said executors,a.nd that she is entitled as such under the terms of the will to a dis- <br />tribution of the remaining property- belonging to s4id estate and undisposed of in the hands <br />of sai ,d executors. That std d 4xecutors make no claim or charge for their services as such against <br />said estate. <br />The court further finds that said executors have certain farm implements.stock belonging to <br />said estate, still in their hands and undisposed of,and that they still retain 10 shares of the <br />capital stock of the Pan Motor Company,2000 shares of the capital stock cf the Big Pine Mining <br />Company, 1000 shares of the capital stock of the Clipper Mining Company, 1000 sharps of the <br />capital stock of the Clipper Mining Company,one -half of same belonging to one Oren Young,900 <br />shares of the capital stock of the Gold Nugget Miring Company,500 shares of the capttal stock <br />od the Shoshoni Gold Dredging Company,1000 shares of the capital stock of the Wind River Mining <br />& Milling Company,l share preferred stock of the Lrictson Manufacturing Comnany,and 3 shag" of <br />the Common stock of said Brictson Manufacturing Comnany,a.nd that all of said above described <br />property and chattels, and all other property, assets, chattels, notes, accounts and claims of the <br />said estate of every kind and nature,whether specifically described herein,should be,and here- <br />by are,awarded to the said Susie M.Robinson,sole residuary legatee and devisee,wherever situate <br />and said execrators are hereby authorized and directed to make due assignments. transfer and d-e- <br />livery to her thereof. <br />The court further finds that under an apraisement of said estate there is no Inheritance <br />taxes to be paid thereon.either state or federal,and that said estate is not liable for <br />any such tax. <br />It is,ther?fore,by the court adjudged, decreed and considered, that the report of said exe- <br />cutors be. and the same is, hereby allowed. ap_,roved and confirmed, and that all debts and claims <br />not filed against said estate, if any exist,are forever barred and precluded. That said above <br />described real estate,together with all other property. assets, chattels, notes, choses in action, <br />and claims of evert,; kind belonging to said estate,whether specifically described in this decre <br />or not.passed and descended.under the terms of the last will of said Susie M. <br />Robinson.sole residuary devisee and legatee,a.nd same is hereby so awarded to her.said executors <br />are directed to assign, transfer and deliver to her all remaining property in their hands not <br />