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<br />said Annette C. Himebaugh deceased,which was filed in this Court, on the 5th day of October,.
<br />A. P. 1911, was duly proved,approved,prabated,and allowed,as the last Will and Testament of the
<br />said Annette C.Himebaugh dece4sed,and the same was ordered to be recorded in the Records of
<br />the County Court aforesaid.
<br />IN WITNESS ` "HFRFOF•I have hereunto set my hand,and affixed the Seal of the said County
<br />Court,at Omaha,, thi s 5th day of October, A. D. 1911.
<br />(SEAL)
<br />Charles Leslie
<br />County Judge.
<br />Sta,t e of Nebraska, }
<br />) s s.
<br />County of Douglas, ) I,Charles Leslie Judge of the County Court of Douglas County,Nebrasks,
<br />do hereby certify that the foregoing is a true copy of the last Will and Testament of Annette
<br />C. Himeb"ugh late of Gir"ha, Nebraska deceased, and of the certificate of probate thereof annexed
<br />thereto,and of the whole of such last Will and Testament and Certificate;which said last Will
<br />and Testament and Certificate are now on file and recorded in the said County Court.
<br />IN TFSTIMONY WILY - OF.I have hereunto set my hand and affixed the Seal of said County Court
<br />at Omaha,this 6th day of October,1911.
<br />(SEAL) By Charles Leslie
<br />County Judge.
<br />Clyde C. Sunblad
<br />Clerk of County Court.
<br />Decree on Final Account.
<br />Annette C.Hi.mebaugh, )
<br />Dec eas ed. ) f
<br />Now, on this 13th day of March, 1913, thi s cause coming on to
<br />be heard on the petition of 0. C. Redick for a final settlement of the estate of Annette C. Hime
<br />b"ugh,deceased,on the final administration account of the administrator with the will annexed,;
<br />of said estate, and the evidence was submitted to the Court, on consideration whereof the Court,!
<br />finds:
<br />i
<br />That on the 13th day of Nareh,1913,Oak C.Redick,Administrator with the will annexed of the j
<br />estate of Annette C.Himebaugh deceased,filed in this Court his final administration account
<br />as sudh administ z°ator,and a petition praying that the said account be settled and allowed,
<br />thu.t sail estate be distributed as required by l iw, that he be discharged from his trust as
<br />such a.drrinistzrator.and that for these purposes a time and place be assigned for hearing said
<br />petiti.on,und examining and settling said account,and' that such notice be giver thereof as the
<br />law di rects.
<br />That on the 13th day of MwFch,1913, an order of this Court was made assigning the 13th day
<br />of March, 1913,a.t 9 of clock A.1d. , at the County Court Room of Douglas County, Nebraska,at the
<br />time and place for-.;h6 ring, said petition and examining and settling said account.
<br />That no notice of the hearing hasyui red by the order of this Court.
<br />That the said account is in all .respects true and correct.
<br />T1-k»t due notice to creditors has been given.
<br />That all claims allowed against said estate have been fully paid and satisfied;and
<br />That said estate is fully solvent.
<br />That by the terms of the lust will and testament of said Annette C.Himbaugh,deceased an
<br />amount of stock in the Union Stock�.Ywrds Co. , of Omal'k.,Limi ted, of the par value of Five Thous
<br />Dollars (35,000.00) is devised and bequeathed to Currie Coomes.sister of said deceased.
<br />All the remainder of sa,i d estate, both real and pers onal, is bequeathed to Grace H.Gui ou,
<br />daughter of said deceased.
<br />