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10 <br />V: <br />of this Court,has been given to all persons interested in said estate of the filing of said <br />report and petition. and that said time has expired.vnd there being no objections thereto,the <br />A <br />Court.upon examination thereof.finds that said report is in all respects correct and should <br />be and hereby is approved and, allowed. <br />The Court further finds from the proof on file herein that ,due and legal by law and <br />the orders of this Court required,has been given 'by publication to all persons having claims <br />against said estate,of the time and place for filing same,that said time has fully expired <br />and that all claims filed against said estate have been fully paid by said Administrator with <br />the will annexed, together with the costs of a.dministration,and that all other debts and <br />claims of said deceased or her estate.if any exist,are forever barred and precluded. <br />The Court further finds that said Lucinda V.Cole died, her home in hall County, <br />Nebraska,and while a resident and inhabitant thereof.on April 3,1918,leaving a. last will and <br />testwnent.which will was.on May 11,1918,duly proven,admitted,and allowed to probate in this <br />Court and cause; t)zat Lena Cora Derby a married woman.a.nd non - resident of Nebraska-.was named <br />Executrix of said will.,.nd tZat on April 15,1918,said Lena Cora Derby declined to act and renounced <br />the appointment as such Executrix, and that Hereafter this Court appointed one Walter Dennis <br />Cole," capable and suitable personas Administrator with the will annexed,of said estate,and he <br />duly qualified as such Administrator and is the duly qualified and acting Administrator with <br />the will annexed. of said estate. <br />The Court further finds that said deceased left surviving her, as her children, legatees,and <br />only heirs at law,the following nwned persorts:Melville Russell Cole,Wulter Dennis Cole.Lena <br />Cora Derby, Francis Andrew Cole,Erhma.l Neva Dunham, weaver Bryan Cole.and George Robinson Cole, <br />LL11 of same being her children, and all of thorn being over twenty -one years of age, the said <br />Francis Andrew Cole being am inc omp4, tent. and that Lena Cora Derby was by said will appointed <br />Guardian of said Francis Andrew Cole, and that aft-erwards she was, through due proceedings of <br />this Court,apypointed his legal Guardian.and is no-.v the qualified and acting legal Guardian <br />of said Francis Andrew Cole,an incompetent. <br />The Court further finds that said deceased died seized of the following described real es- i <br />tote situate in hall County,Nebr"ska,to -wit: The Northeast Quarter of the Northeast Quarter, <br />and the South Half of the Northeast Quart -er,of Section Number Eleven (11).in Township Number <br />Nine (9).North.Range Ten (10) Westin Hall County, 2debraska.also of Lot Three (3).in Block <br />Three (3).in Gideon's Addition to Doniphan,Hall Gounty,Nebraska,and that,under the provisions <br />of said last will and testament of said deceased there was an equitable conversion of said real <br />estate,and that said Executrix of said will and also said Administrator with the will annexed,; <br />wa,s.under the provisions of said will.given full, complete,and absolute power and authority <br />to sell and convey said real estate and all of sz=e,4nd divide the proceeds thereof as prescribed <br />under said will, and thhat, acting under said authority in said will cont ained, the said halter <br />Dennis Cole did, on Twnuary 4, 1919, sell the said above described lands in Section 11, Township <br />9, Range 10, West, ball County , Nebraska, t o 'Richard L. iflcMul li n, f o r the sum of t12.000,and by good <br />and sufficient deed duly conveyed same to him..and that at the same time he sold said above des-,, <br />cribed Lot 3,in Flock 3,in Gideon's Addition to Doniphan,Hall County.Nebraska,for $11000.4 <br />Leroy O.Ellsworta,and conveyed same to him by good and sufficient deed.all under the power and'' <br />authority in said will contained. <br />The Court further finds that the said Administrator with the will annexed has accounted for <br />all and singular of the property and estate corning into his hunds,including the sale of the h' <br />above described re"l estate,and that after the i:ayment of all- debts,costs of administration, <br />and charges against said estate, there rerr.a.ined in his hands for distribution among the legatee of <br />said�est4te,under the provvisi ons of said will, the sum of 410, 960.88; that under the orderd <br />