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�L IU <br />257.2-7E _ BP Priming Co <br />WILL A "eD CERTIFICA.TE AND FINAL 17CREE � <br />IN THE N E,PGF OF GOD, A ?,iE ?3 <br />I,Lucinda V.Cole.of Doniphan,in the County of Hall.State of Nebra.aka.being of sound mind and <br />memory and considering the uncertainty of ths.frail and transitory life,do therefore make,ordan. <br />CERTIFICATE OF PROBATF OF WILL <br />St&;te of Nebraska.) <br />) ss. <br />iia11 County, ) At a session of the County Court held in the County Court Room in Grand <br /> said County,on the 11th day of U"y A.D.1918. <br />Present J.1I.Mu11in.County Judge <br />IN TIME MATTI±'R OF T.HF ESTATE <br />-OF- <br />Lucinda V. Cole, deceased. <br />I, J. i-1.11ullin. Judge of the County Court in and for said County. do here - <br />by certify that on the 15th day of April 1918, the instrument purporting to be the last will and <br />testament of Lucinda V. Cole, deceased. was filed for probate in this Court. That on thellth dray <br />of May 1918.said instrument to which this certificate is attached was duly proved,probated and <br />allowed as the last will and testament of the real personal estate of said Lucinda <br />ceased,and the same was ordered to be recorded in the records of the Court aforesaid. <br />IN TIT'yFSS WIVRFOF I have hereunto set my hand and affixed the seal of the County Court this <br />11th day of May 1918. 4 <br />(SEAL) J. H. Nu l lfn <br />County . Tudge. <br />IN T17A COUNTY COURT OF HALL C OU?TTY, NEBRASKA.. i <br />In the matter of the estate of ) <br />FINAT� - nFCREE. i <br />Lucinda V.Cole, } t <br />Deceased. ) Now. on this 28th day of September,1921, this cause came or <br />i <br />be heard upon the final report of Walter Dennis Cole.Administrutor with the will annexed of <br />said deceased and estate.and upon the his petition for a final settlement thereof and it appear- <br />ing from the proof on file herein that due and leg41 required by law and the orders <br />gublish and declare this to be my last WILL AND TESTAMENT: <br />FIRST,I order and direct that my Executrix hereinafter all my ,lust debts and. funeral <br />expenses as soon after my decease as conveniently may be. <br />SECO ?n,After the payment of such funeral expenses and debt.I give,devise and bequeath the rest, <br />residue,and remainder of my property to Lena Cora Derby under this will.said property to be <br />E <br />sold by said Executrix and the proceeds therefrom to be divided equally among my, seven children <br />namely Russell Cole; Walter Dennis Cole;Lena Cora Derby; Frz�.nc is Andrew Cole;Erhmal Neva <br />,Melville <br />Dunham - Weaver ±�ryan Cole;George Robinson Cole. <br />THIRD,I a.ppoint,my daughter Lena Cora Derby, guurdian of my incompetent son,Frar_cis Andrew Cole. <br />LAf7TLY,I make, constitute and appoint my daughter,Lena Cora Derby to be Executrix of this my, <br />i <br />Last Will and Testament, hereby revolting all former wills by rue made, hereby grunting full power <br />0 <br />and authority to my said Executrix to sell and p onvey Real Estate as hereinbefore provided. <br />Y <br />IN WITNESS P11iERE0F.I have hereunto subscribed my name and affixed my seal, the 22 day of Jan -1 <br />uary in the year of our Lord, one thousand nine hundred eighteen. <br />Z <br />Lucinda. V.Cole (Seal) � <br />This instrument was on the day of the date thereof, signed published and declared by the said <br />testator Lucinda V.Cole,to be her last Will and Tee;tament in the presence of us who at her <br />request have subscribed our names theretc4n witnes 3es in her presence and in the presence of <br />each other. <br />John Creas on <br />G.E.Funk. <br />CERTIFICATE OF PROBATF OF WILL <br />St&;te of Nebraska.) <br />) ss. <br />iia11 County, ) At a session of the County Court held in the County Court Room in Grand <br /> said County,on the 11th day of U"y A.D.1918. <br />Present J.1I.Mu11in.County Judge <br />IN TIME MATTI±'R OF T.HF ESTATE <br />-OF- <br />Lucinda V. Cole, deceased. <br />I, J. i-1.11ullin. Judge of the County Court in and for said County. do here - <br />by certify that on the 15th day of April 1918, the instrument purporting to be the last will and <br />testament of Lucinda V. Cole, deceased. was filed for probate in this Court. That on thellth dray <br />of May 1918.said instrument to which this certificate is attached was duly proved,probated and <br />allowed as the last will and testament of the real personal estate of said Lucinda <br />ceased,and the same was ordered to be recorded in the records of the Court aforesaid. <br />IN TIT'yFSS WIVRFOF I have hereunto set my hand and affixed the seal of the County Court this <br />11th day of May 1918. 4 <br />(SEAL) J. H. Nu l lfn <br />County . Tudge. <br />IN T17A COUNTY COURT OF HALL C OU?TTY, NEBRASKA.. i <br />In the matter of the estate of ) <br />FINAT� - nFCREE. i <br />Lucinda V.Cole, } t <br />Deceased. ) Now. on this 28th day of September,1921, this cause came or <br />i <br />be heard upon the final report of Walter Dennis Cole.Administrutor with the will annexed of <br />said deceased and estate.and upon the his petition for a final settlement thereof and it appear- <br />ing from the proof on file herein that due and leg41 required by law and the orders <br />