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138 <br />A <br />Now onthis 15 day of November.1921,came E.G.Kroger,executor and filed in this office the receipt <br />of Emma T.Graham for the balance of the money remaining in his hands as shown by this final repqrt <br />and he is therefore discharged of his trust and his bond is released. <br />J-H-Mullin <br />County Judge. <br />State of Nebraska,) <br />ss. <br />Hall County <br />In the County Court of Hall County,Nebr"s" <br />1, J.H. Mullin, County Judge of Hall County. hereby certify that I have compared the <br />foregoing copy of LAST WILL AND CERTIFICATE AND FINAL DECREE IN THE MATTFR OF THE ESTATE OF <br />DAVID M.GRA11A)T,D-FCEA,"3D with the original record thereof, now remaining in said Court, that the <br />same is a correct transcript thereof,,and of the whole of such original record;that said Court is <br />a Court of Record having 4 seal,which seal is hereto attached;that said Court has no Clerk auth�r- <br />ized to sign certificates in his own nume.and that I am the legal custodian of said Seal and of <br />the Records of said Court,"nd that the foregoing attestation is in dile form of law. <br />IN TESTIMONY VEHREOF I have hereunto set my hand and affixed the seal of the County Court,at <br />Grazid Island,this 15th day of November 1921 <br />(SOAL) J. Ho' Mullin <br />County Judge. <br />by Agnes Matthews <br />Clerk of the County Court; <br />Filed for record this 15 dz,y of November 2 o'clock P.M. <br />Register of Deeds <br />The North West <br />quarter of the South West Quarter and the South West <br />quarter of the North West <br />Quarter and 10 <br />acres along the South Side of the North West Quarter <br />of the North West Quarter, <br />all in Section <br />31 in Township 12 in Range 8 and <br />an undivided two <br />thirds interest in. the North 30 acres of the North <br />West Quarter of the No'rth <br />West Quarter of <br />Section 31 in Township 12 in Range 8,all in Merrick <br />County.Nebraska.did pass <br />and descend at <br />the death of the said David M.Graham.under the provisions of his last will and <br />testament to 111mma <br />T-6,rahum.his have and to hold during her <br />natural lifeor so long as she <br />remains his widow. <br />and that uon the death or the remarriage of the said Emma T. Graham, all of said <br />above described <br />real estate jasses and descends, to Marion R-Graham 4ndaUudeline ten4nts <br />in common. <br />J.H.Mullin <br />County Judge. <br />Now onthis 15 day of November.1921,came E.G.Kroger,executor and filed in this office the receipt <br />of Emma T.Graham for the balance of the money remaining in his hands as shown by this final repqrt <br />and he is therefore discharged of his trust and his bond is released. <br />J-H-Mullin <br />County Judge. <br />State of Nebraska,) <br />ss. <br />Hall County <br />In the County Court of Hall County,Nebr"s" <br />1, J.H. Mullin, County Judge of Hall County. hereby certify that I have compared the <br />foregoing copy of LAST WILL AND CERTIFICATE AND FINAL DECREE IN THE MATTFR OF THE ESTATE OF <br />DAVID M.GRA11A)T,D-FCEA,"3D with the original record thereof, now remaining in said Court, that the <br />same is a correct transcript thereof,,and of the whole of such original record;that said Court is <br />a Court of Record having 4 seal,which seal is hereto attached;that said Court has no Clerk auth�r- <br />ized to sign certificates in his own nume.and that I am the legal custodian of said Seal and of <br />the Records of said Court,"nd that the foregoing attestation is in dile form of law. <br />IN TESTIMONY VEHREOF I have hereunto set my hand and affixed the seal of the County Court,at <br />Grazid Island,this 15th day of November 1921 <br />(SOAL) J. Ho' Mullin <br />County Judge. <br />by Agnes Matthews <br />Clerk of the County Court; <br />Filed for record this 15 dz,y of November 2 o'clock P.M. <br />Register of Deeds <br />