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11!ii !�� giirri 1 lii I eii I <br />NMI <br />F curth. <br />Should I depart this life before my children reach their majority, I desire that my wife be � N <br />named as guardian of such children;in the event,however,that wife renarry,then it is my wish th�t <br />my friend E.G.Kroger of Grand Island.Nebraska,be appointed their guardian and I hereby direct t <br />him to use the income of the real- estate,that I dip possessed of,for their support and education, <br />until such time as they reach their majority. <br />Fi ft h. <br />I hereby revoke any former will or wills by me made. <br />Sixth. <br />I hereby constitute and appoint E.G.Kroger of Grand Island,Nebruska,executor of this my last!. <br />will and testament. <br />Dated at Grand Island. Nebraska, this 11th day of November, A. D. 1918. <br />David M.GrLham. <br />Testator. <br />We whose names are. hereunto subscribed do hereby certify that David M.Graham,the testator,su� scribed <br />his name to this instrument in our presence,and in the presence of each of us,a.nd declared at <br />the same time,i.n owr presence and hearing,that this instrument was his last will and testament,] <br />and we,at his request,and in his presence and in the presence of each other, subscribe our name <br />hereto as witnesses. <br />James W. Snodgrass <br />Of Grand Island,Nebraska <br />Mrs. Ida. M. Edgerton <br />Of Grand Island, Nebraska. <br />E.G.Kroger <br />Of Grand 2-slandkNebraska.. <br />CERTIFICATE OF PROBATE OF WILD <br />STATE OF NEBRASKA,) <br />FALL COUNTY, } <br />At a session of the County Court held in the County- Court Room in Grand. <br />Is land, in said County, on the 5th day of March A. D.1919. <br />Present J. H. Mullin, County Judge <br />IN THE VAT`l R OF TIi:F ESTATE <br />-OF- <br />David M. Graham, deceased. <br />I, J. H.Mullin Judge of the County Court in and for said County ,do hereby <br />certify that on the 15th day of January 1919, the instrument purporting to be the last will and <br />testament of David M. GrLhami. deceased. was filed for probate in this Court. That on the 5th day <br />of March 1919, instrument to which this certificate is attached was duly proved,probated an <br />i <br />allowed as the last will and testament of the real personal estate of said David IM- <br />cee-sed.and the same was ordered to be recorded in the records of the Court aforesaid. <br />IN WITITESS rEHRROF I have hereunto set my hand and affixed the seal of the County Court this' <br />5th day of March 1919. <br />(SEAL) J . H. Mu l li n <br />County .nudge. <br />IN TER COUNTY COURT OF HALL COMITY, NEBRASKA. <br />IN THr. ITATTER OF T17, ESTATE j <br />OF FINAL DFCTWE. - <br />DAVID M. GRAIIAM,JYCEASED. - ) Now. on this 14th day of November,19�1, this cause came on to I.. <br />be heard upon the final report of E.G.Kroger,Executor of the last will and testament of David <br />M. Graham, deceased,after due notice by publication, to all persons interested in the estate of <br />said deceased,of tree filing of said report and the time "nd place appointed for final settlement <br />of said estate. <br />.s <br />