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134 <br />to the testimony, and being fully advised in the premises, finds that said report is true and <br />correct in all things,and that the same ought to be approved and allowed as and for the final <br />N <br />report of said Administrator <br />The Court further finds that due and legal notice has been given to all pers ins of the time ^. <br />and place fixed by the Court for filing claims against said estate, and that the time so fixed <br />has fully Expired,and that all persons having claims against said estate, if any such ther- be, <br />a <br />are forever barred and excluded from setting up or asserting any such claims against said estate. <br />The Court further finds that the said Hans Timm departed this life,a.t his home)in Cairo,, <br />Nebraska,on the 14th day of March,1921,and at the time of his death the said Hans Timm. was a <br />resident and inhabitant of Hall County,Nebraska;that the said Hans Timm left a last will and tebta- <br />ment which was,on the 23rd day of April,1921,duly proven,allowed,and admitted to probate in thib <br />Court as and for the last will and testament of the said Hans Timm, deceased; that Mary Tin;,wife <br />of the said Hans Timm,deceased,n::med as residuary legatee and devisee in the last will and test" - <br />ment of the said Hans Timm,deceased,preceded the said Hans Timm in death,she having departed <br />the terms and provisions of said last will and testament of the said Hans Timm, deceased, and thei <br />this life on the 19th day of Tanuary.1919;that the said lams Timm and Mary Timm,his wife , hed -- <br />born to them. as the fruit of their marriage, a son, August F. Timm, named as legatee in the second <br />paragraph of the last will and testament of the said Hans Timm, deceased, and Meta M- Bernet, a <br />daughter,who is described in the third paragraph of the last will and testament of the said <br />.cans Timm, deceased,as "Mesta, 11..M. Timm ", now wife of Anthony A.Burnett, the correct spelling of the: <br />surname of the.hhusb4nd of the said daughter being "Bernet ", .nd the correct spelling of her first <br />ncme being "Meta ",.and Meta M. Bernet being the same person who is described in said will as <br />"!'ata M.M. Timi'n,now wife of Anthony A. Burnett ", she being: the wife of Anthony A. Bernet. <br />The Court further finds that said Administrator has fully .accounted for all money and pro- <br />perty belonging to said estate which has come to his knowledge or possession,has paid the funer4l <br />expenses of said decea,sed,all debts against said estate, the inherii."nce tax due from said estate, <br />and the costs of this proceeding,and has made due distribution of the residue of the personal <br />estate of said deceased,to the persons entitled thereto,and that nothing further re-mains in they' <br />hands of said Administrator,and that said Administrator ought to be discharged,his bond as such,, <br />relPased,and said estate settled and closed. <br />The Court further finds that the said Hans Timm died seized as thaowner, ir_ fee simple, of I,oto <br />One (1),Two (2),Three (3),and Four (4),in Block Fourteen (14),of the Original Town,of Cairo, <br />in Hall County, Nebraska, and that upon_ the death of the said Hans Timm. and by reason of thp pri o r <br />death of Mary Timm,wife of said i%ns Timm,the title to said real estate passed and descended,under <br />the terms and provisions of said last will and testament of the said Hans Timm, deceased, and thei <br />laws of the state of Nebraska in force at the time of the death of the said Hans Timm,to the said <br />August F. Timm and Meta U. Bernet, s on and daughter of said dec eased, and the heirs at law, and the <br />only hei rya ' at law, of said deceased, share and share alike. <br />IT IR Ti. R FFORE 0RD7R 7D, ADJ'UDGRD, AND DFCRE -, D BY T1-M COURT that the report of the said August'; <br />F. Timm, as Administrator with the will annexed, of the estate of the said Hans Timm, deceased,be, and <br />the same is hereby allowed and approved as and for the final report of said Administrator, <br />said Administrator is discharged,his bond as such released,and said estate is hereby settled <br />and closed. <br />IT IS FURT:-LEER ORDER ^D, ADTUDGED, AND DECREED BY THE COURT that all persons having claims against <br />the estate of the said Hans Timm, dec eased, if any such there are.4reforever barred,precluded, <br />a.nd enjoined from setting up or asserting any such claims against said estate. <br />IT IS FURTH'r'.R ORDIER?,D,ADrUDG-PM,AND ERCREFD that upon the death of the said Hans Timr%deceased, <br />the title to all of the real estate,hereinbefore described,upon the death of the said Hans•Timm�, <br />k <br />passed and descended,under the terms and provisions of the last will and testament of th said <br />e <br />P <br />