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I <br />J <br />u <br />'A._ <br />133 <br />1 <br />No. 39 HALL COUNTY <br />2572' =$[opp Printing Co., Omaha <br />WILL AND FINAL DECREE <br />This my last Will and Testament Hereby revoking L411 Others.- <br />I Hans Timm of the County of Bviffalo and state of Nebraska Being of sound Mind and in good <br />health do make this my last Will and Testament. <br />First- I want all my debts paid in full -to be taken from my estate. <br />Seccnd- I give and bequeath to my son August F.Timm,One Hundred dollars- <br />!i <br />k <br />Third- I give and bequeath to my Daughter Mates M.M.Timm,now wife of Anthony A.Burnett Ono <br />e <br />Hundred Dollars. <br />Fourth- A11 my property - consisting of Real Estate, ox personal property that I now have or may <br />acquire, her e�Lfter, I give and bequeath to my beloved wife Mary Timm. After paying and fulfilling <br />my requests -first mention_ed.Signed this Twenty Fourth Day of May 1900• C <br />Hans Timm <br />Signed in my Presents <br />H. A. Kuf er. <br />I Charles Davenport having known Hans Timm for the last Ten year or more,Believe him to be <br />i <br />of sound mind and good health. This Twenty fourth day of Kay 1900. When he signed the above wil�. <br />Charles N.Davenport. <br />I W. C.Pideri.t Having Known Hans Timm for the last ten y ears- Believe him to be of Sound Mind,, <br />and goon health. This Twenty- fourth day of May 1900 When he in my presents signed this his las$ <br />Will. <br />W.C.Piderit <br />I Hans Timm appoint my wife Mary Timm Executrix of this rry last will and testament without <br />p <br />Bonds. <br />CERTIFICATE' OF PROBATE OF MILL r <br />State of Nebraska,) <br />} ss. <br />Hall County, ) <br />At a session of the County Court held in the County Court Room in Grand <br />Island, in said County , on the 23rd da,y of April A. D.1921. <br />Present J. H.Mullin. County Judge <br />IN THE MATTER OF TH' ErTAT1ffi <br />-OF- <br />Hans Timm,deceased, I,J.H.Mullin,Judge of the County Court in and for said County,do <br />hereby certify that on the 28th day of March,1921,the instrument purporting to be the last will; <br />and testament of Hans Timm, deceased,was filed for probate i.n this Court. That on the 23rd day or <br />3 <br />April 1921, said instrument to which this certif'"4 cwte is attached was duly proved,probated and <br />allowed a,s the last will and testament of the real personal estate of said Hans Timm,deceased, <br />and the same was ordered to be recorded in the records of the Court aforesaid. <br />IN wITNFSS m�r.,q_,RFOF I have hereunto set my hand and affixed the seal of the County Court <br />this 23rd day of Apri1,1921. <br />(SEAL) <br />J. 11. Mullin <br />County Judge. <br />IN THF, COUNTY COURT OF HALL COUNTY,NEBRASKA. <br />In the matter of the estate of ) <br />} FINAL TP:CRTF,. <br />Hans Tim?ri, I?ec eased.. ) <br />low, on this 14th day of Noverber,1921, this cause came on for <br />hearing,upon tht final report of August F.Timm,Administrator with the will annexed of the <br />estate of Hans Timm, deceased, and the Court,having examined the records and filez,fi.nds that <br />due and legal notice has been given to all persons interested in said estate,of the time and <br />place fixed for the hearing upon said report,as heretofore ordered by the Court. <br />And the Court, hav ing examined said retort, together with the vouchers on file, and listened <br />