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1921,John W.Coomes,surviving husband of said Carrie M. Coomes. deceased. duly filed in this Court <br />his written renunciation of the provisions in his behalf under said last will and testament of <br />the said Carrie U.Coomes,deceased,and therein declared his intention to take of the estate of <br />the said Carrie V.Coomes,deceased,by inheritance.deseent,and distributi.on,under the intestate <br />laws of the state of Nebraska,and that by reason of such renunciation by the said John W.Coomes." <br />the bequest in favor of Grace H.Redick,as modified by reason of such re-nunciation,was accel- <br />erated.and became immediately vested in her relieved from the trust reposed in Oak C.Redick,as <br />Trustee under said will,and thereby said John W.Cocmes and said Grace H.Redick each became an- <br />titled to .n im!:sdiate absolute title to an undivided one -half of the residue of said estate,bot <br />real and personal,and that said Executor has made distribution thereof to the said John W.Coomes <br />and Grace H. Redick, ace ordingly. <br />The Court further finds that said Carrie I-i.Coomes died without issue.seiaed as the owner,in <br />fee simple of the south half of Lots Four (4),Five (5 ),and Six (6 ), in Block Two (2), of Union <br />Pacific Railway ComparV's Addition to the Town of Wood River,in Hall County,Nebraska,and that <br />under the terms and provisions of the last will and testament of the said Carrie M.Coomes,de- <br />ceased. the renunciation by the John W. Coomes of provisions of said will in his behalf,and <br />of the intestate laws of the state of Nebraska.said real estate passed and descended, by abso- <br />lute title,to the said Join W- Coomes and Grace H. Redick, shatt and share alike. <br />IT IS THERFFORF ORDFR'FD,ADTUDGED,AND DECRFED BY Tom; COURT that the final report of the said <br />F! Oak C- Redick ,Q Executor of the last will and testament of the. said Carrie M.Coomes,deceased, <br />M be,and the same hereby is allowed and approved as and for his final report,said Executor is <br />u <br />discharged, and said estate settled and closed. <br />A.1 <br />n <br />No. 39 HALL COUNTY <br />._, <br />.. 2$72- lfiopg''Pfiating Co., Omaha <br />IF T I+; COUNTY COURT OF HALL COUNTY , NEBRASKA. g <br />s <br />In the matter of the estate ) <br />5 ) FINAL -MCREE. <br />of Carrie M. Coomes, ) <br />Deceased. ) Now . on this 5d day of November,192�, this cause came on for hear <br />ing upon the final report of Oak C.'_Redick,Zxecutor of the last will and testament of Carrie Mo <br />0 <br />Coomes,deceused.and the Court,having examined the records and files,finds that due and legal <br />notice has been given to all persons interested in said estate of the time and place fixed for tie <br />hearing upon said report, as heretofore ordered by the Court. <br />And the Court,having examined said report, together with the vouchers on file,and heard the <br />testimcntT,and being fully advised in the premises,fi.nds that said Executor has paid all of the <br />debts againitt said estate, the funeral expenses of said deceased, the inheritance tax due upon <br />said estate,and the costs of administra.tion.and has made due distribution of said estate.and <br />s <br />t <br />that his report ought to be approved and allowed as and for the final report of said Executor, <br />said Executor discharged,and said estate settled and closed. <br />The Court further finds that due and legal notice has been given to all persons of the time <br />and place heretofore fixed by the Court for filing claims uga.inst said estate. that the time so <br />.fixed has fully expired,and that all persons having claims against said estate,if any such there <br />be.are forever barred and excluded from setting up or asserting any such claims against said I <br />9 <br />estate. ; <br />The Court further finds that said Executor,by and with the consent and advice of John W. ' <br />Coomes,surviving husband of the said Carrie M.Coomes,decea.sed,has delivered to Nora Brunner and <br />R <br />Katie Smith the bequests in their favor, respectively, as provided in the fourth and fifth para- <br />graphs of the last will and testament of the said Carrie M.Coomes,deceased. <br />The Court further finds that the said Carrie M.Coomes departed this life on the 12th day of <br />a <br />April,1921,and at the time of her death size was a resident and inhabitant of Hall County.Neb- <br />raska; that said Carrie M. Co ones left a last will and testament, which was, on the 20th day of <br />May,1921,duly proven.a.11o�ved,and admitted to probate in this Court;that on the 24th day of lay, <br />1921,John W.Coomes,surviving husband of said Carrie M. Coomes. deceased. duly filed in this Court <br />his written renunciation of the provisions in his behalf under said last will and testament of <br />the said Carrie U.Coomes,deceased,and therein declared his intention to take of the estate of <br />the said Carrie V.Coomes,deceased,by inheritance.deseent,and distributi.on,under the intestate <br />laws of the state of Nebraska,and that by reason of such renunciation by the said John W.Coomes." <br />the bequest in favor of Grace H.Redick,as modified by reason of such re-nunciation,was accel- <br />erated.and became immediately vested in her relieved from the trust reposed in Oak C.Redick,as <br />Trustee under said will,and thereby said John W.Cocmes and said Grace H.Redick each became an- <br />titled to .n im!:sdiate absolute title to an undivided one -half of the residue of said estate,bot <br />real and personal,and that said Executor has made distribution thereof to the said John W.Coomes <br />and Grace H. Redick, ace ordingly. <br />The Court further finds that said Carrie I-i.Coomes died without issue.seiaed as the owner,in <br />fee simple of the south half of Lots Four (4),Five (5 ),and Six (6 ), in Block Two (2), of Union <br />Pacific Railway ComparV's Addition to the Town of Wood River,in Hall County,Nebraska,and that <br />under the terms and provisions of the last will and testament of the said Carrie M.Coomes,de- <br />ceased. the renunciation by the John W. Coomes of provisions of said will in his behalf,and <br />of the intestate laws of the state of Nebraska.said real estate passed and descended, by abso- <br />lute title,to the said Join W- Coomes and Grace H. Redick, shatt and share alike. <br />IT IS THERFFORF ORDFR'FD,ADTUDGED,AND DECRFED BY Tom; COURT that the final report of the said <br />F! Oak C- Redick ,Q Executor of the last will and testament of the. said Carrie M.Coomes,deceased, <br />M be,and the same hereby is allowed and approved as and for his final report,said Executor is <br />u <br />discharged, and said estate settled and closed. <br />