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1 e <br />ll!! ; WtWE (11 <br />legatee,and direct that she shall not be obliged,to give any bond or other security as executrix <br />of this my last will. I also direct that if any of my two above named nephews should die before <br />me.the legacy bequeathed to the same shall go to the legal descendants of the same if he has anyo <br />And I hereby revoke and cancel all former by me made and executed wills. <br />Item Sixth. <br />If any legatee or devisee of this will should attempt to set the same aside by legal proceedit <br />then such attempt shall be taken to be a release and relinquishment of all interest in or to my' <br />said estate and he shall not receive any portion of it. <br />In witness whereof I, the said Frederick august Peter Hedde have this Seventeenth day of Febru4 <br />A.D.One Thousand Nine Hundred and Three at Grand Island in the county of Hall and state of Neb- <br />raska set herr7to myhand.and declared the above to be the instrument containing my last will and <br />testament,in the presence of the witnesses hereto. <br />Frederick August Peter Hed-de.generally signing Fred Hedde <br />Signed and acknowledged and declared by Frederick August Peter Hedde,generally called Fred Hadde <br />the test" each of us as his last will and testament and at his request and in his presencel <br />and in the presence of each other we have hereunto subscribed our names as witnessed at Grand <br />Island in the c runty of Hall and state of Nebraska this Seventeenth day of February in the year <br />of our Lord one Thousand Nine Hundred and Three (1903) <br />John Allan 'of Grand Island.Nebraska. <br />A-F.Buechler <br />M. T-Garlow <br />Henry Stratman <br />CERTIRICATR I REQLATS QZ RILL <br />State of Nebraska.) <br />08. <br />Hall County. At a session of the County Court held in the County Court Room in GrarO <br />Island, in said County, on the 4th day of April A.D.1908. <br />Present J.H.21ullin. County Tudge4 <br />IN THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE <br />M. <br />ry <br />I <br />I <br />I <br />Frederick August Peter Hedde, deceased. <br />I..T.H.Mullin,Judge <br />of the County <br />Court in and for said County, do hereby <br />certify that on thellth day of March A-D-1908,the <br />instrument purporting to be the last will and <br />testament of Frederick August Peter Hedde,deceased.wiaz <br />file#or probate in this Court. That on <br />the 4th day of Apri1.1908.said instrument <br />to which this <br />certificate Is attached was duly proved, <br />probated and allowed as the last will and <br />testament of <br />the real personal estate of said Frederialt <br />August Peter Hedde deceased and the same was ordered to <br />be recorded in the records of the Court <br />af ores &id. <br />IN 7rlTN?,Sp, WHEREOF I have hereunto set <br />my hand and affixed the seal of the County Court this <br />4th day of April A.D.1908. <br />J. H. Mul lin <br />County Nudge. <br />IN THE COUNTY <br />COURT OF HALL <br />COUNTY.NBBRASKA. <br />IN THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE <br />or FINAL D3CRRR. <br />FREDERICK AUGUST PETER HFDTE Now, on this 30th day of September.1921.this cause came on for <br />19,CEASED. <br />hearing upon the final report of Louise liedde.Executrix of the Last Will and Testament of Frederick <br />August Peter Heddie. deceased, f ol lowing due notice to all persons interested in the estate of said <br />deceased,of the filing of said report and of the time and place appointed for final settlement <br />of said publication in THE GRAND ISLAND INTEPENDENT as required by order of Court datedl <br />.A <br />