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1 <br />D <br />I- <br />I <br />I- <br />No. 3, HALL COUNTY <br />zsrz =mapg rrinciig ea., omah& <br />I, J. H. Mul lin, County . Judge . of Hall County, Nebraska, do <br />the foregoing copy of FINAL DECREE IN THE MATTER OF THE <br />v!ITH TiiF. original record thereof,now remaining in said <br />i t th f <br />0 <br />hereby certify that I have compared <br />ESTATE OF LOUISE HFTZM, DFCEASIM. <br />Court, that the same is a correct trans <br />Cl p ere o , "'Ll of the whole of such original record, that said Court is a Court of Record <br />having a seal,which seal is hereto attached; that said Court has no Clerk authorized to sign <br />certificates- in his own name, and that I am the legal custodian of said Seal and of the Records <br />of said Court,and that the foregoing attestation is in due form of law. <br />IN TESTIMONY W? -MREOF I have hereunto set nW hand and affixed the seal of the County Court, <br />at Grand Is land, thi s 25th day of July 1921 <br />(EMAL) J.H. Mullin <br />County judge. <br />Filed for record this 26 day of July 1921,at 10 o'clockA.ld. <br />Register of Deeds <br />-0-0-0-e-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-e-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-e-0-0-0- <br />FINAL DECREE IiT,L ANP CERTIFICATE <br />IN THT' COUNTY COURT OF HALL C OMTTY, NEBRASKA. <br />In the matter of the estate ) <br />) <br />of ) FINAL DECREE. <br />FRFMIERICK LOE^CHER, DECEASED. ) Now on this 17th day of Apri1,1920, this cause came on to be <br />heard upon the final report of Louise Loescher,executrix of the estate of Frederick Loescher. <br />deceased. ufter due notice by publication to all persons interested as required by law. <br />Un consideration of the report and the testimony offered the court finds that said report is I <br />correct in all respects and ought to be allowed;that said executrix has accounted for all of thej <br />estate which came to her possession,has paid the debts filed against the esta.te,the funeral <br />expenses and the costs of administration and that there remains no property in her hands belongi g <br />to said estute;t "t due and legal notice was given to creditors of said deceased as to the time <br />P <br />allowed and place appointed for fi:Ling cluii.�s against said _state, and t hat the time so allowed <br />has fully expired -ghat all claims outstanding against said deceased not so filed,i.f any such I <br />exist,are therefore forever barred and excluded. <br />It is, therefore, considered by the court that the report of said <br />hereby is approved and allowed as aril for her final account and she <br />and her bond released. <br />It is further considered by the court that all persons are barre, <br />or setting up any claims or demands against the estate of Frederick <br />executrix be and the same <br />is discharged of her trust <br />i and precluded from filing <br />Loescher, deceased. and that <br />said estate is closed. <br />The court finds that the said Frederick Loescher: died on the 15th day of August,1919,a re- <br />sident of hall County,Nebraska,and that he lied testate, leaving surviving him a;s his heirs at <br />law, and his only heirs at law, the following named persons: <br />Louise Loescher,his wi dow,and William Loescher,Agnes Wa.gner,Bertha Niemoth,Minnie Hengen, <br />Herman Loescher, Churl es Loescher.1aura Loescher,a.nd Frederick Loescher,his children,and Gordon <br />Nie:noth,Henry Niemoth,Leona. Niemotn,Arnold Niemoth,Irene Niemotn and Irvine Niemoth,children <br />of Emma Niemoth,a deceased d"ughter,his gr..nd children. <br />The court finds that the said Frederick Loescher died seized in fee of the following des- <br />cribed real estate situate in the County of Hall and State of Nebraska,to -wit: <br />JThe South half of the North east Quarter (S-21i cif NEI ), the East half of the North west quarter <br />(EJ of NWj) and the North half of the South east Quarter (N' of SEA), of Section Twenty -eight <br />(28), inn Township Twelve (12),in Range Nine (9),west. <br />Lot 10,-in Row 1 of Grand Island Cemetery,being situate in the NW -If of the NWJ of Section <br />s <br />29 , T owns hip 11, Runge 9. <br />