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C <br />1 <br />1 <br />1 <br />A <br />1 <br />Noo 39 HALL C <br />__.257Z_ . -$Iupp Printing Co,. Omaha <br />^„ ll.To the FIFTH AVENUE METHODIST EPISCOPAL CHURCH in the City of Troy,N.Y.,the sum of five <br />N <br />thousand dollars, ($5 , 000.00 ). <br />a 12. To the OSBORN BRIDGE MTHODIST EPISCOPAL CHURCH of Osborn Bridge,N.Y. , the sum of five <br />thousand dollars, ($5,000.00),which bequest is made by me in memory of my late husband,Samuel <br /> recognition of the personal interest in said Church which he always cherished. <br />13. To ABBY ,T.KSMIEDY, sister of my late husband,now or formerly of Tarrytown,N.Y. ,the sum of <br />twenty thousand dollars ($20$000.00). <br />14. To the MARSHALL SANITARIUM IN THE CITY OF TROY.N.Y..the sum of ten thousand dollars <br />($10,000.00). <br />15. To the TROY ORPHAN ASYLUM the sum of Five thousand dollars ($5,000.00);and also to the <br />Troy Orphan Asylum the sum of Twenty -five thousand dollars (25,000.00) additional.the income <br />of which shall be used and applied in keeping in repair and in making changes in or additions <br />to the Samuel A. Peterson Memorial Building recently_ erected by me on said Orphan Asylum's pro - <br />perty,and in renewal of the equipment of said Memorial Building and the purchase of additional <br />equipment thereof. After providing for keeping said building and its equipment in repair.any <br />unused inc ane from the said trust fund of said twenty -five thousand dollars ($25,000.00) may be <br />used and applied in meeting the expenses of the Manual Training School maintained in said build <br />16. To my sister Catharine A.Mackey, ofTroy.N.Y..the sum of one hundred thousand dollars <br />($100,000.00). <br />17-To my sister MARTHA S.MCGRATH.of Troy,N.Y.,the sum of one hundred thousand dollars <br />($100,000.00). <br />Ong, <br />18. To my sister Ella I. SAYder, of A1barw.N.Y..the sum of one hundred thousand :Dollars <br />i <br />($100,000.00. <br />19. To my nephew HARDY XGGRATH the sum of Fifty, thousand Dollars ($50,000.00), To THE SECURITY <br />TRUST CCMPANY OF TROY, N.Y..,THe sum of Fifty thousand Dollars ($50,000.00) in trust,nevertheles4, <br />to invest the same and pay over the interest and income therefrom to my said nephew's wife, <br />HELENA long as she shall live,and upon her death to pay over said principal sum of <br />Fifty thousand dollars ($50,000.00) and all unapplied income to such person or person4 to whom <br />by, her last Will she may give and bequeath such trust fund. But if she shall make no such test - <br />amentary disposition of such trust fund,then I give and bequeath the same.after her death,to he <br />husband,Harry McGrath, or if he shall not then be living,to arty child or children of his. or if <br />there be no such child or children, to my then surviving sisters,share and share alike, the share <br />I <br />which any deceased sister would have taken if living to be divided between her surviving des- <br />cendants,if &YW,share and share alike.Aer stirues and not Rer,canita.. But if none of the per- <br />sons mentioned or referred to in this item 19 of the fourth clause .of my Will be liviig at the <br />time <br />of <br />the <br />death of said Helena McGrath.then upon her death <br />I give and <br />bequeath <br />said trust <br />fund <br />to <br />the <br />Trot ©rphum Asyl= and the Samaritan Hospital of <br />Troy. share <br />and share <br />alike. <br />20. to THE SECURITY TRUST 'COMPANY OF TROY. N.,Y. , the sum of One hundred thousand Dollars, in t <br /> invest the same and pay over the interest and income therefrom to my niece AXNA <br />IRENE McGRATH as long as she shall live. Upon the death of my said niece I give and bequeath <br />the said principal sum of one hundred thousand dollars ($100,000.00) and all unapplied income <br />therefrom to such person." or persons to whom by her last Will she may give and bequeath such <br />trust fund. But if she shall make no such test=entary disposition of such trust fund.then I <br />give and bequeath the same.after her death, to my then surviving sisters, share and share alike, <br />the share which any deceased sister would have taken if living to be dJroided between her survi- <br />ving descendants,if arV.share and share alike,per, atirnes and not 22r- ca, apita. But if none of the <br />persons mentioned or referred to in this item 20 of the fourth clause of my Will be living at t <br />time of the death of said Anna Irene McGrath then upon her death I give and bequeath said trust <br />