<br />A, 0
<br />By the Grace of God Free and Independent.
<br />To all to whom these presents shall come or may. concern,GRBFTING:
<br />KNOW YE,That we,having examined the records and files in the office of the Surrogate of the Cou
<br />of Rensselaer,do find there remaining a certain record of the last will and testament and cod-
<br />icile thereto of Sarah M.Peterson,deceased,in thewords and figures following,to wit:
<br />I,Sarah M.Peterson,of Troy,N.Y.,do make,publish and declare this instrument to be my_ last Wiz
<br />and Testament, in the manner following:
<br />FIRST•I give Od devise qy homestead property known as No-2263 Sixth Avenue,in the City of
<br />Troy, N.Y. ,being
<br />the premises now
<br />occupied by me, t o my niece Anna Irene McGrath, of
<br />Troy.N.Y. , to
<br />whom I also give
<br />and bequeath all
<br />the furniture and house furnishings,of every name,nature
<br />and
<br />description, contained in said homestead,as well as all W clothing, jewelry and personal ornament
<br />7.
<br />It is ny wish that my said niece shall make such distribution of my clothing, jewelry,ornaments,ote.,
<br />among my relatives and friends as I may by written memorandum request her to do,or,failing such
<br />memorandum,as she may deem proper as in supposed accordance with my wish.
<br />SECOND.= give and devise my ! -house and lot known as No-2250 Sixth Avenue,in the City of TroyiX.Y.,
<br />to Martha S.McGrath, of Troy,N.Y. ,who is now occupying said premises.
<br />THIRD• I give, devise and bequeath to the Fifth Avenue Methodist Episcopal Chdreh in the City
<br />of Troy,the slip or pew in said Church edifice which at the ime of his death was owned by my la
<br />husband,SaLmuel A.Peterson,under whose Will the same was bequeathed to me.
<br />FOURTH• I make the following bequests:
<br />1.To Sarah Hall,of Upper Troy, ,N.Y.,the sum of one thousand dollars ($1,000.00)•
<br />2•To Eliza J.Overocker,of Sandy Hill,N.Y.,the sum of Five Hundred Dollars ($500.00).
<br />3.To.Mrs.Nancy Denison,of Bath,Reneselaer County,N.Y.,the sum of one thousand dollars ($1,000.00).
<br />4.To ALFRED PETERSON (now in employ of Peterson & Packer Coal Company) the sum of five hued
<br />dollars ($500.00•
<br />5. To JOHN LOTTRIDGE (now in the employ of Peterson & Packer Coal Company) the sum of one
<br />thousand dollars ($1,000-00.)
<br />6.To FRANK E.NORTON,of Trod•,; ,N.Y.,the sum of five thousand dollars ($5,000.00)•
<br />7.To ARNOLD T.PETERSON.of Glovereville.N.Y.,all promissory notes of his which I shall hold
<br />own at the time of my death, such notes having been given by him to me for money loaned,the aggro-
<br />gate amount of which notes is to be considered by,, as a. legacy from me.
<br />8.To AIMEE PETERSON,of Gloversville,N.Y.,the sum of two thousand five hundred dollars ($2,50
<br />9-To THE SECURITY TRUST COMPANY OF TROY,N.Y.,the sum of ten thousand dollars ($10,000.00),
<br />in trust,nevertheless, to invest the same and pay over the interest and income therefrom in
<br />approximately equal monthly instalments,to OSCAR RIDDLE,of Hudson,N.Y.,as long as he shall live
<br />and after his death to pay over said interest and income,under the sum* conditions as to time
<br />and payment, t o his widow as long as she shall live. 4on the death of said widow, or if she shal
<br />not survive her husband,upon the death of said Oscar Riddle,the princ�al sum of ten thousand
<br />dollars ($10,000.00) and all unapplied income ttherefrom shall belong and be paid to ,said Oscar
<br />Riddle's daughter,or if she shall not be surviving,to any child or children of hers,share and s
<br />alike, if more than one.
<br />1O•To THE SECURITY TRUST COMPANY OF TROT,N•Y•,the sum of thirty thousand dollars ($30,000.00),
<br />in trust,nevertheless to invest the same and pay over the interest and income therefrom to FLO
<br />H.°ETERSOX,of Gloveraville,N.Y.,as long as she shall live. Upon her death the principal sum of
<br />thirty ',thousand dollars ($.30,000.00) and all, unapplied income therefrom shall belong and be pa
<br />to the surviving children of said Flora Peterson share and share alike.
<br />00)..
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