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1 <br />1 <br />Koo 39 HALL COUNTY <br />_ ..2572 �o�P, Printing Co., Omaha <br />crops,which at the time of the filing of said Inventory was approximated at or approximately <br />300 bushels of c orn,.which at that time was valued at 4135. That such articles of Personal Property <br />have been turned over to the said Mary Shoopman,widow of the said Thomas F. Shoopman,as by the <br />terms of said past Will and Testament provided with the exception of the stacks of hay before <br />mentioned and the growing corn which was used during the administration in the feeding of the <br />said st ock. ' <br />That said Executrix has expended in cash in the course of said administration,the sum of <br />$257 for Funeral expenses and .5157 for Attorneys fees,Court costs and Recording fees and that <br />said Executrix makes no claim and specifically waives her claim on account of said expenditures <br />in excess of receipts. <br />The Court further finds that said Executrix, in the Course of the administrati on,has paid to <br />Lillie Reed,',daughter of said Deceased, to J. S• Sho opman, son of said Deceased, to Minnie Randolph, <br />6 <br />daughter of said Deceased,to Lizzie Orndoff,giaughter of said Heceased,to Mary Wade,daughter of <br />said Deceased to Elmer Shoo p man i son of said Deceased,to Jessie Reed,daughter of said Deceased,aid <br />to Franklin Shoo man,son of said Deceased,each the sum of $10 in settlement of the bequests to <br />P i <br />said above named heirs and legatees as by the -terms of said Last Will and Testament provided <br />and that each of said named legatees has receipted for his or her bequest,as the case may be, <br />and that said receipts are on file in this Court. <br />The Court further finds that the said Thomas F.Shoopman departed this life on the 9th day of <br />November,1920 leaving a Last Will and Testament which was duly admitted to probate on the 29th <br />day of December,1920. <br />The Court further finds that the said Thomas F.Shoopman died seized as the owner in fee simp e <br />of the following described Real Estate situated in the County of Hall and State of Nebraska, <br />t owit: <br />The North -east quarter of the North -east quarter (NE -iNE -J) and the South half of the North- <br />east quarter (S *NE *) of Section Thirty -one (31) in Township Twelve (12) North,Range. Eleven (11) <br />West of the 6" P.M. in Hall County,Nebraska and that by the provisions of the Last Will and <br />Testament of the said Thomas F. Shoopman,Deceased,said Real Estate did pass by absolute title to <br />Lillie Reed,Jacob S. Sho opman, Mary Wade,Minnie Randolph, Franklin Shoopman,Delmar A.Shoopman,Elms <br />A. Shoopman,Lizzis Orndoff and Jessie Reed, children of said Thomas F.Shoopman Deceased, subject <br />to a life estate in Mary Shoopman,widow of said Deceased,in and to all of said Real Estate and <br />i <br />subject to the complete control of said Mary Shoop4ian during her life,she to collect the rental <br />on said Real Estate and to have the proceeds thereof absolutely during her said life and so long <br />asshe remains the widow of said Thomas F.Shoopman,Deceased,That in the event that she'should <br />remarry then saidReal Estate shall pass and descend,One -third to the said Mary Shoopman.widow <br />f <br />of said Thomas Shoopman,and the °other Two- thirds of said Real Estate to be divided equally be <br />tween the above mentioned children of said Thomas F.Shoopman Deceased,share and share alike or <br />to the legal heirs of said Thomas F.Shoopman &4 the law shall direct. That the widow has electe <br />to accept the terms of said Will. <br />It is the refore,QRDERED,ADJUDGED'AND DECREED by the Court that under the terms and provisions <br />of the past Will and Testament of the said Thomas F.Shoopman,Deceased,the said Real Estate tow t: <br />The North -east quarter of the North-east-quarter (NBJ-Ng *) and the South half of the North- <br />east quarter (S * -NS +) of said Section 'Thirty -one (Z4) in Township Twelve (12) North,Range Eleven <br />(11) West of the 6" Hall County,Nebraska did pass and descend on the death of the said <br />Thomas F.Shoopman,Deceased,in the manner ffsillowing: To Lillie Rued, Jacob S. Shoopman,Mary Wade„ <br />Minnie Randolph, Franklin L. Shoopman, Delmar A. Sho opman, Elmer A. Shoopman,Lizzie Orndoff and Jess <br />z Reed,each an undivided 1/9 interest in said above described Real Estate,.and all as tenants in <br />'common subject to the -life estate of,the'said Mary Shoopman,widow of said and to said <br />