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1 <br />1 <br />1 <br />1 <br />1 <br />No. 3, HALL COUNTY <br />2b ii#ogp Printing Co., 0maha <br />for the appointment of an administrator of his estate nor petition filed therefor and no ad- <br />r: <br />miristrator has been had upon his estate at any place. <br />The court further finds that the said deceased left surviving him as his sole and only heirs <br />at law his widow.Martha H.Ransom,Everett N.Ransom,a son.Ensign H.Ransom,a. son,Edgar C.Ransom, <br />a, son.Ella R.Greene,z:. daug ter and Ida, E.Davis,u daughter zUl now being more than of legal age. <br />That said deceased died seized as the owner in fee simple of an estate of inheritance in the <br />following described real estate situated in Hall County,Nebraska,to -wit: <br />The East Half (Ej) of Section Three (3) wrd the South Half of the Southwest Quarter (Sj SWj) <br />Of said Section Three (3) in Township Nine (9) North of Range Nine (9) !'test of the 6" <br />said Hall County,Nebraska,which said real estate did on the death of the said A.G.Ransom,deceas d <br />pass and descend bv operation of law under the law of descent then in force in the State of Web <br />raska to the said Everett N.Ransom,Fnsign H.Ransorr,Edgar C.Ransom.Ella :?.Greene and Ida E.Davis, <br />sons and daughters respectively of said deceased in equal shares as tenants in common.subject <br />to the dower and homestead rights, if any, of the said Martha .1,R.Ra.nsom, the vidcw of said decease <br />and that the degrees of kinship of said heirs at law to the said deceased were that of survivin <br />widcw,sons and daughters respectively. The court further finds that the said Martha H.Ransom,wi <br />of said A.G.Ransom,deceased,departed this life on the 9th day of February,1895. <br />The court further finds that more than two years have el: -p,sed since the death of the said de <br />ceased; that he died intestate; that his funeral expenses znd all other debts have been -fully paid; <br />that all debts of the said estate and of the said deceased,if any exist,are forever barred and <br />precluded and the costs of these proceedings have been paid by the petitioner. <br />It is.therefore,by the court ORDERRD,A.DTLMGED AND IRCREED that the said A.G.Ransom died in- <br />testate as above stated more than two yeare rior to the filing of the petition in this cause; <br />that no ia.pplica.tion for the appointment of an wdministr":tor for the estate has ever been made <br />i <br />nor has any administration upon his estate been had in the State of Nebraska or at any other, <br />pluce;t?:ut he died siezed as the owner in fee simple of an estate of inheritance in the real <br />7 <br />estate above described situated in Hall County,Nebraska and that upon his death,the same passed <br />and descended by operation of law in equal shares to Everett N.- Ransom,Ensign H.Ransom,Edgar C. <br />9 <br />Ransom,Ella R.Greene and Ida E.Davis as tenants in common,subject to the dower and homestead <br />rights and estate of his said wi.dow,Martha H. Ransom, i.f any she had and is so awarded to them; <br />that the said deceased left surviving him as his sole and only heirs at law his said widow.Martl <br />H.Ransom,his said son.Everett N.Ransom,his said son,Ensign H.Ransom.his said son.Edgar C.Rahsom, <br />his said daughter,Ella R.Greene and his said daughter,Ida E.Davis who bore the relations to him <br />as herein set forth &nd that the said Andrew F.Farabee is at the present time one of the owners <br />of the real estate hereinbefore the petitioner in this cause and a proper and <br />qualified person to file the said petition and prosecute said cause;that all debts of said de- <br />ceased, if any there be.and of his estate are forever barred and precluded; that further adminis- <br />tration of the estate of said deceased is hereby dispensed with and said estate settled and <br />closed forever. <br />J.H.Mullin <br />County Judge. <br />State of Nebraska, ) I <br />Ball County In the County Court of Hall County,Nebrasku f <br />I.:J.H.Mullin,County_ Judge of Hall County,Nebraska,do hereby certify that I have compared the <br />foregoing copy of Final Decree In the Matter of the Estate of A.G.Ransom.deceased.with the orig- <br />inal record remaining in said Court,that the same is a correct transcript thereof. <br />and of the whole of such original record;that said Court is a Court of Record having a seal.whic <br />seal is hereto attached; that said Court has no Clerk authorized to sign certificates in his own <br />name,and that I am the legal custodian of said Seal and of the Records of said Court,and that the <br />foregoing attestation is in due form of law. <br />IN TESTIMONY WHEREOF I have hereunto set my hand and affixed the seal of the County <br />Grand I s 1 and, this 9th day of June 1921 <br />(SEAL) J.H.Mullin <br />County Judge. <br />Filed for record this 15 day at June 9 :45 o'clock A.M. <br />