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No. 3, HALL COUNTY <br />of the northeast qua,rter,and the east half of the northwest quarter, of Section Thirty -four (34), <br />in Township Ten (10),North,Range Twelve (12) West;also Lots One (1),Three (3),and Four (4) on <br />Mainland,and the north half of the northwest quarter,of Section Twelve (12),in Township Nine <br />(9) North,Range Twelve (12) West;also the east half of the northeast quarter,and the east half <br />of the west half of the northeast quarter,of Section Thirty -four (34),in Township Ten (10) North, <br />Range Twelve (12) West;also the southwest quarter of the southeast quarter of Section Twenty- <br />seven (27),in Township Ten (10),North,Range Twelve (12) West,subject to the right of way of th{ <br />Union Pacific Railroad Company over same;also the southeast quarter of the southeast quarter <br />of Section Nine (9),in Township Nine (9),North,Range Twelve (12) West;also Lot'Number One <br />(1) in,the northeast quarter of Section Sixteen (16),in Township Nine (9) North,Range Twelve <br />(12) West;also the south twenty -seven (27) acres of Lots One (1) and Two (2) in Section Eleven <br />(11),Township Nine (9) North,Range Twelve (12) West,more particularly described as follows., <br />Commencing eighty (80) rods south of the southwest corner of the northwest quarter of the <br />Northwest quarter of Section Eleven (11),Township Nine (9),Range Twelve (12),West of the 6th <br />P.M.,thence running south to the northern small channel of the Platte River,thenee in a north- <br />easterly direction along the north bank of said channel of the Platte River to the half sectio <br />u <br />line dividing Lots Two (2) and Three (3) in said Section Eleven (11),thence north along said <br />half section line to a point eighty (80) rods south of the southeast corner of-the northeast <br />quarter of the northwest quarter of said Section Eleven (11),thence due west one hundred and <br />sixty (160) rods to the place of beginning,containing 27.05 acres,a little more or less;also <br />a school land contract lbr purchase from the state of Nebraska of Lots Three (3) and Four <br />(4) in the northeast quarter of Section Sixteen (16 °)8.Township Aline (9),Range Twelve (12), <br />The Court further finds from the files and records of this Court that due and legal notice <br />C as by law and the orders of this Court required has been given to all persons having claims <br />against said estate of the time and place for filing same,that said time has expired,that all <br />claims filed against said estate,and all debts of said estate,including the expenm of the <br />last sickness and burial of said deceased,and the expenses of administration of said estate <br />and costs,have been fully paid by said Executor,and that all unfiled olaims,if any exist,are <br />forever barred and precluded.. <br />The Court further Finds that said Ellen Brett died testate at her home in Hall County,Neb- <br />raska,and while a resident and inhabitant thereof,on March 26,1916,that she left a last will <br />testament which was heretofore filed for proof,probate,and allowance,in this Court,that a hear <br />u � <br />had thereon duly admitted to in this Court, <br />ing was and said will proven,allowed,and_ probate <br />and that the probate and allowance thereof was by Mary H.Stowe,et al.,contested,and that an <br />appeal was taken from the order,judgment,and decree of this Court,admitting said will to pro - <br />bate,to the District Court of Hall County,Nebra.ska,and that,as shown by the records and files <br />of this Court,and cause,said will was,under judgment and decree and finding in the District <br />Court of Hall County,Nebraska, in a cause therein pending wherein James T. Brett, et al. ,were <br />proponents,and Mary H.Stowe,et a,l.,were contesta,nts,duly admitted allowed,and proven in the <br />District Court of Hall County,Nebraska,on April 2,1917,and a decree therein entered ordering. <br />that the said last will and testament,heretofore filed in this Court,be duly probated in the <br />s <br />manner and.form provided by law,and that under the orders of said District Court of Hall <br />County,Nebras ka,ths said cause was by said Court duly certified to the County Court of Hall <br />County,_Nebraska,for probate therein and allowance as by law required,and that same was found <br />and decree by said Court and by this Court to beevalid and subsisting will of said Ellen Brett <br />deceased,and was thereupon duly allowed, prov en, and probated in this Court,as by law provided. <br />The Court further finds that the said deceuied died seized , arW the owner of the following <br />described real estate situate in Hall County,Nebraska,to -wit: The Rest half of the west half <br />of the northeast qua,rter,and the east half of the northwest quarter, of Section Thirty -four (34), <br />in Township Ten (10),North,Range Twelve (12) West;also Lots One (1),Three (3),and Four (4) on <br />Mainland,and the north half of the northwest quarter,of Section Twelve (12),in Township Nine <br />(9) North,Range Twelve (12) West;also the east half of the northeast quarter,and the east half <br />of the west half of the northeast quarter,of Section Thirty -four (34),in Township Ten (10) North, <br />Range Twelve (12) West;also the southwest quarter of the southeast quarter of Section Twenty- <br />seven (27),in Township Ten (10),North,Range Twelve (12) West,subject to the right of way of th{ <br />Union Pacific Railroad Company over same;also the southeast quarter of the southeast quarter <br />of Section Nine (9),in Township Nine (9),North,Range Twelve (12) West;also Lot'Number One <br />(1) in,the northeast quarter of Section Sixteen (16),in Township Nine (9) North,Range Twelve <br />(12) West;also the south twenty -seven (27) acres of Lots One (1) and Two (2) in Section Eleven <br />(11),Township Nine (9) North,Range Twelve (12) West,more particularly described as follows., <br />Commencing eighty (80) rods south of the southwest corner of the northwest quarter of the <br />Northwest quarter of Section Eleven (11),Township Nine (9),Range Twelve (12),West of the 6th <br />P.M.,thence running south to the northern small channel of the Platte River,thenee in a north- <br />easterly direction along the north bank of said channel of the Platte River to the half sectio <br />u <br />line dividing Lots Two (2) and Three (3) in said Section Eleven (11),thence north along said <br />half section line to a point eighty (80) rods south of the southeast corner of-the northeast <br />quarter of the northwest quarter of said Section Eleven (11),thence due west one hundred and <br />sixty (160) rods to the place of beginning,containing 27.05 acres,a little more or less;also <br />a school land contract lbr purchase from the state of Nebraska of Lots Three (3) and Four <br />(4) in the northeast quarter of Section Sixteen (16 °)8.Township Aline (9),Range Twelve (12), <br />