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J <br />1 <br />I <br />Koo 39 HALL COUNTY <br />a.i�r. —a�wyy a. aau �aut5 vu., vau�sua, _.. <br />FINAL DECRER. <br />In the County Court of Hall County,Nebraska. <br />In the Natter of the Estate of <br />FINAL DECRFF.. <br />Samuel F. Ship t on, Pec eased. . <br />Now on this 2nd day of May 1921 this cause came on for hearing <br />on the final report of F. ,T. Cleary,Administrator of the Estate of the said Samuel F.Shipton. <br />Deceased,and it appearing to the Court that notice thereof has been given to all persons in- <br />terested in said estate as by law required and as by order of this Court required and the <br />proofs of such notice being duly filed in this Court and it further appearing to the Court aftor <br />a full examination that the account exhibited by the said Administrator is correct in all thir*s <br />and ought to be approved and allowed and it appearing that said Administrator has accounted <br />for all of the estate which has come into his hands,it is,therefore, <br />e <br />ORDERED,AD.TUDGED AND DECREED that the report of the said F. T. Cleary. rat or of the <br />w estate of the said Samuel F.Shipton,Deceased,be and the same is approved as and for his final <br />report. <br />The Court further finds that notice was given to all creditors of said estate in the marine <br />provided by law of the time and place fixed for presenting claims against the estate of the <br />said deceased; that the time allowed for filing claims has fully expired; that all claims filed <br />and allowed against said estate have been fully paid and satisfied;that the funeral expenses <br />of said deceased and the costs of administering said estate have been fully paid and that all <br />outstanding claims again** Said estate not filed,if any such there be,are forever barred and <br />excluded. <br />It is therefore,ORDERED,07UMED AND ]ECRFyD by the Court that all persons are forever <br />barred from filing or setting up any claims or demands against the estate of the said Samuel <br />F.Shipton and that said estate is fully settled and closed: <br />The Court finds that the said Administrator has received in cash from all sources the suni <br />of $20,$36.22.. That he has expended in cash for bills allowed against said estate,costs and <br />expenses of administration and for the distributive shares paid to the heirs of said estate, <br />all the cash that has come into his hands,to -wit: the sum of 420,$36.22. That all items of per <br />personal property other than that which has been converted into cash,that has come to the <br />knowledge or possession of said Administra.ttr have been divided among said heirs by agreement <br />of all of said heirs and all of the estate that has come to the knowledge or possession of sai <br />Administrator has been accounted for by him. <br />It is therefore,ORDERED,ADJi?DGED AND DECREED that the said Administrator be discharged and <br />his bondsmen released.. <br />The Court finds that all inher itance tax found due to the State of Nebraska or any County <br />or Sub - division thereof,under the laws of the State of Nebraska,by the appraiser appointed <br />by this Qourt for the purpose of determining the amount of such tax, if any, that said estate <br />or the heirs thereof should be required to pa<y,has been paid and the receipt of the County <br />Treasurer of Hall County ,Nebraska, is on file in this. estate. . <br />The Court finds that the said Samuel F. Ship ton, departed this life on the 10" day of Februa <br />1920,a resident of Hall County,Nebraska,and that he died intestate;that he left surviving him <br />as his sole and only heirs at law,the following named: <br />Nary E.Shipton,his widow,and the step-mother of the following named children By A FORMER <br />ITARRIAGE: Robert P.Shipton,Ella May Knox and Cassie D.Hessel.. <br />The Court finds that the said Samuel F.Shipton was,at the time of his death,the owner of <br />the following described real estate situated in Hill County,Nebreska,to -wit: <br />The North -east Quarter (NEJ),the East half of the North -west (E -JNWI) and the east half of <br />South -east Quarter (EJSEj) of Section Number Seven (7) in Township Ten (10) North of Range <br />