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I <br />I I M 01 n1i <br />1.7.H.kuliin.County TudEe of Hall County,Nebr,.,, hereby certify that I have compared <br />the foregoing copy of Will and Certificate and Finiill)ecree In the 114tter of The Estate of <br />August C.F.WdLn-dt,Deceased with the original record thereof, now remaining in said Court, that the <br />same is a correct ttn;.nscript thereof.and of the whole of such original recotd;that said Court <br />is a Court of Record having a seal,which seal is hereto attz&ched;th,-at said Court has no Clerk <br />4. Seal authorized to sign certificates in his own name.and that I am the legal custodian of said S <br />and of the Records of said Court.and that the foregoing attestation is in due form of law. <br />IN TESTIMONY WHEREOF I have hereunto set my hand and affixed the seal of the County <br />Grand island, this 30th day of March 1921 <br />SEAL) J-H.Mullin <br />County Judge. <br />Filed for record this 31 day of March 1921,at 1:30 o'clock P.M. <br />L' <br />Register <br />-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-0 <br />FINAL 17,CREE. <br />IN THE COUNTY COURT OF HALL C01TNTY,NFBRASKA. <br />In the matter of the estate <br />of FINAL DECREE. <br />Johanna Mathiesen,Dece4;�sed-. Now on this 18th day of March,19210this cause came to be heard <br />upon the final report of Detlef -Mathiesen.Administrator of the estate of Johanna Mathiesen,de- <br />ceased,it appearing to the court that notice of the filing of said report and of the time fixed� <br />for final settlement of said estat has been given to all persons roquired <br />by the order of court dated March 9,1921. <br />On examination of said re-,,')ort.the files and the evidence the court finds that said adminis- <br />trator has accounted for all of said estate which came into his possession and that his report 5 <br />correct in all respects and ought to be allowed;that he has received from all sources the sint <br />of $1207.76 and has paid out the sum of $1079-80,leaving in his hands for distribution among th <br />heirs of said deceased the sum of $127.96. <br />It is therefore considered by the court that the report of Detlef Mathiesen,admini.strator, <br />be and the same is hereby allowed as and for his final account and that upon his filing in this <br />office the receipts of the heirs at law of said deceased for their distributive shares of the <br />balance in his hands he be discharged of his trust and his bond released., <br />The court finds that creditors ff the said Johanna 14,thiesen.dece"sed.were notified as to th <br />time allowed and place appointed for filing claims,as.-required by law and by the order of courti <br />dated October 25.1.920,und that the time so allowed for filing claims has fully expired; t. t alli <br />claims outstanding against said deceased no so filed and within the time allowed for filing <br />claims, are, the ref ore, forever barred and excluded.. <br />It is,therefore,Qonsidered and ad,ludged by the court that all persons are forever barred f <br />ror4 <br />filing or setting up any claims or demandsof any nature againatthe estate of Johanna Mathiesen, <br />deceased and that said estate is closedi' <br />The court further finds that the said Johanna Vathiesen departed this life on the 31st day of <br />Miay,1920.being at the time of her death a resident and inhabitant of Hall County.Nebraska.and that <br />she died intestate, leaving sLftviving her as her heirs at law,and her only heirs at law, the foll- <br />owing named persons: <br />Mary Brady,her daughter,Fdward B-Mathiesen.her son.Detlef 31athiesen.her son.Fred C.Mathiesen, <br />her son,&nd John H-R athiesen.her son;that she left no husband surviving her.. <br />The court finds that the said Johanna Vathiesen died seized in fee of the following described <br />real estate situate in the County of Hall and State of Rebraska,to-wit: <br />