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1 <br />I <br />1 <br />u <br />I <br />17 <br />N ©o 39 HALL COUNTY <br />real estate situate in the County, of Hall and State of Nebraska,to -wit: <br />The Westerly one -half (Wj) of Lot Two (2) and the Easterly one -half (Ej) of Lot Three (3), <br />4 all in 731. ,c:c Sever_ (70) of the original t own_, now Si ty , of Grand Island; <br />Fractional Lot Five (5) and the Westerly Thirteen and two - tenths feet (13.2) of Fractional <br />Lot Four (4) in Block Seven (7) of Evans Addition,and Fractional Lot Four (4),in Block Six- <br />teen (16),in Lambert's Addition to the City of Grand Island; <br />Lots One (1),Two (2),Three (3),and Fogr (4),in Block Two (2),Lambert'e Addition to the City <br />of Grand Island; <br />Lots Seven (7) and Eight (8) in Block Seventy -four (74) in Wheeler & Bennett's Third Additiol <br />to the City of Grand Island; <br />The court finds that under the provisions of said last will and testeren_t all of the above <br />,-mentioned and described real estate as well as all of the personal property belonging to the <br />said August C.F.Werdt did pass and descend at his death in the manner following: <br />To IL-+rtha Wendt Whitescarver an undivided one eighth (1/8) part thereof; <br />To Julia Wendt Busig an undivided one - eighth (1/8) part thereof, less the sum of Fifty-seven <br />($57.00) Dollars: <br />To T .eresu Wendt Rogeach an undivided one- e *ghth (1/8) part thereof, less the sum of One <br />Thousand ($1000.) Dollars; <br />To Minnie Wendt an undivided one- eighth (1/8) part thereof,plus the sum of One Thousand <br />($1000.) Dollars; <br />To Alvina Wendt Sanders an undivided one eighth (1/8) part thereof, less the sum of Twelve <br />Hundred ($1200.00) Dollars; <br />To August Wendt an undivided one- eighth (1/8) part thereof,less the sum of Five Hundred <br />($500.00) Dollars; <br />To Alfred Wendt an undivided one- eighth part thereof,(1 /8),lesc the sum of Five Hundred <br />($500.00) Dollars; <br />To Anna Wendt Fehls an undivided one- sixteenth (1/16) part thereof,and to the daughter of <br />the last named legatee,Alve Fehls,a.n undivided one- sixteenth part thereof; <br />That the above named legatees are the daughters and sons of the testator except the last <br />named who is a grandchild. <br />The court finds that all deductions frorr bequests were under the will,to be divided equally <br />among the other legatees,and that these deductions and additions have all been effected,accom- <br />plished and ad'{usted in and through to distribution of the personal property... <br />It is, therefore, CO1TSIDRRFD,AD?LTDGED AND DECREED that ail of the above mentioned real estate <br />belonging to the estate of August C. F. Wendt, deceased, did descend at his death, under and by <br />virtue of the provisions of his last will and testetment,in the manner following; <br />To Ma.rth& Wendt Whitescarver an undivided 1/8 ,art thereof; <br />To?ulia Wendt Busig an undivided I/8 pt.rt thereof; <br />To Teresa Wendt an undivided 1/8 part thereof; <br />To Wendt a.n undivided 1/8 part thereof; <br />To Alvinu. Wendt Sanders an undivided 1 /8t_}i,pkrt thereof; <br />To August Wendt an undivided 1 /8th part thereof; <br />To Alfred Wendt an undivided 1/8 part thereof; <br />To Anne. Wendt Fehle an undivided 1/16 part thereof,a.nd <br />To Alve Fehls an undivided 1/16 part thereof,and the court awards it to them. <br />The Court further finds that the said August C. F. Wendt was the owner at the time of his dent <br />pf four quarter acre tracts Id08.281 -28?- 314 -315 in Block B,High Island Oil Land Subditision, <br />situated in Section 140, Chambers County. Texas, School Land Survey No. 143, as per plat filed <br />for record with Cour.t- Clerk Chambers County,Texas. <br />J. H. Mullin <br />County Judge. <br />State of Nebraska, <br />) ss. <br />Hall County <br />Ir.. the County Court of Hall County , Nebra.ska <br />