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1 <br />1 <br />J <br />D <br />No. 39 HALL COUNTY <br />be given to the party of parties who have accepted and performed the duties of guardian of the <br />said George A.Wilson during his life %ime,or to their heirs or successors,in the proportion andi <br />to the _amount in which they have performed the duties of the position of guardian,that is to <br />say:- Should one person have performed the duties of the position of guardian from the date of <br />my death to the date of the death of the edid George A.Wilson,he shall receive the fee simple <br />title of the property in which the life estate is herein bequeathed to the said George A.Wilson <br />and should two or more parties have performed the duties of guardianship from the date of my <br />deatYto the date of the death of the said George A.Wilson,then the property in which the life <br />estate is herein granted to the said George A.Wilson,shall descend and belong to said guardians <br />or their heirs or successors in the propprtion that the time,in which they Performed the duties <br />of guardian,bears to the entire period of guardianship. <br />Fourth.I give and bequeath to my son,George A.Wilson,for his use during the period of hisynat- <br />Ural life, the SW' of the NE. J of section Twenty Eight (28) of Township Ten (10) north, of Range <br />Nine (9) west of the 6th Hall County,Nebraska,the intention being to create a life es- <br />tate for the said George A.Wilson,and to have said property descend in fee simple as sbt forth <br />in article numbered "THRM" of this instrument.* <br />The Court further finds that in pursuance to the request contained in the last will and <br />testament of the said Benjamin Wilson,deceased,Sarah Taber,daughter of said Benjamin Wilson.,de- <br />eeased,and sister of the said George A.Wilson,was an the .8th-day of July ,1912 by consider- <br />ation of the County Court of Hall County,Nebreska,duly appointed as guardian for the said Geo <br />A.Wilson,duly qualified as such,and continued to act as guardian for the said George A.Wilson <br />from the time of her appointment to the death of the said George A.Wilson;that the said Sarah <br />Taber, from the date of the death of the said Benjamin Wilson, to the date of the death of the <br />said George A.Wilson,continued to act as his guardian,furnished for said George A- Wilson a <br />good home,good and sufficient food and clothing at all times,and tenderly cared for the said <br />George A.Wilson in sickness and health,in a loving,humane,and parbrtal manner,whereby and by <br />f <br />reason whereof,and as ,provided by the terms and provisions of the last will and testament of <br />the said Benjamin Wilson,deceased,upon the death of the said George A.Wilson,an undivided thre�- <br />fourths of the southwest quarter of the northeast quarter of Section Twenty -eight (28),in Town- <br />ship Ten (10) North,Range Nine Westin ball County,Nebraska,in which the said George A- Wilson <br />held a life estate,upon the death of the said George A.Wilson,passed by absolute title,to the <br />said Sarah Taber,daughter of the said Benjamin Wilson,deeeased,and sister of the said George <br />A.Wilson,deceased. <br />I'T IS THEREFORE ORDERED, AD,FUDGED, AND TJECREFD BY THE COURT that the final report of the said <br />Albert Ward,as Administrator of the estate of the said George A.Wil$on,deceased,be,and the <br />hereby is in all things approved,said estate is settled and closed,and said Administrator is <br />discharged. <br />IT IS FURTHER ORDERED,AD.TUDGED,AND IIECREED BY THE COURT that all persons having claims agai <br />the estate of the said George fs. Wilson, deceased, if any such there be,are forever barred and en <br />Joined from setting up or asserting any such claims against said estate. <br />IT IS FURTHER ORDERED,AI)- TUDGED,AND DECREED BY THE COURT that the personal estate of the sai <br />George A.Milson,deceased,passed,under the intestate laws of the state of Nebraska,to Sarah Tabs <br />Della Ward,Eunice I.Wilson,Jeanette Wilson Childs,sisters of said deceasedand Oliver K.Wilson <br />and Anna E.Wilson,niece and nephew of said deceased,the said Sarah Taber,Della Ward Eunice I. <br />Wilson,and Jeanette Wilson Childs,each taking an undivided one -fifth thereof,and the said Olive <br />K.Wilson <br />and Anna M.Wilson,each taking <br />an undivided <br />one -tenth thereof. <br />IS IS <br />FURTHER ORDERFD,ADTUDGED,AND <br />DECREFD BY THE <br />COURT that the said Sarah Taber,having <br />fully complied with all the terms and provisions of the last will and testament of Benjamin <br />t <br />Fr, <br />or <br />