<br />1:3
<br />paid to Dec. 1, 1919, secured by a mortgage recorded in Book,50,Pa•ge 46 of Mortgages,records of Ha, i
<br />County. Nebraska. �
<br />Note -Henry Ahrens to 1 . T. Robbins - *6-6000. 00 reduced to X4600.00, dated Tan. 30,1911, due Tun. 1,
<br />1916, interest 6;1 1,�er annum,payable annually, interest paid to Jar.. 1,1919, secured by a mortgage
<br />recorded in Book 91,ruge 297 of flortgages,Records of Luffalo County, Nebraska.
<br />Note - Cury Vance and Tai r3 Vince to 11eisners Dank of Shelton, Nebr ;.ska. assigned to ET-7-Robbins -
<br />`6000.00, dated Tiny 1,1919, due May 1,1924,,i.nterest ut 6 - ;er unnum,puyuble annually, interest
<br />paid to NkLy 1,1920,secured by a mortgage recorded in book 102,4PaL -;e 287,Records of Buffalo
<br />County, Nebraska
<br />Note - Cora A.Kimbrough and F. A.Kimbrough to I. T. Robbins x'15,600. 0G, dated Tune 12,1919, due Tune
<br />12, 1920, interest 7' per anrum,pu.yable u.nnuully, no interest paid; secured by a mortgage recorded
<br />Book 99,'uge 514,of Mortgages, Records of Buffalo Courty,Nebr�-.ska
<br />- Nellie F.Reddington to r.T.Robbins - *8700.00,duted Tune 12,1919,due Tune 12, 1920,interest
<br />6;: per annurn,i;ayable annuu.11�,,no interest pai.d;secured by 4 mortgage.
<br />Note - Carl Wagner to C.T.Robbins,asgigned to . T.Robbins,k4000.00 reduced to U2800.00,da.ted
<br />i
<br />Feb. 28,1.914, due March 1,1919, interest 7;r per annum, payable anr,ually,pdi.d to March 1, 1920; secure4
<br />by a mortgage recorded in Book 91,2age 455 of Yortga€ es,Records of Buffalo County, Nebraska.
<br />Note - M"ry A. Bryan and Dillard C. Bryan, to H-7-Robbins, w14, 000.00, dated March 1,1917, dtfb March
<br />1, 1922, interest 6j per annum, ;a,yable annually, interest paid to March 1,1920, secured by a mort-
<br />gage recorded in Look 99,�)uge 277 of Mortga;es,Records of Buffalo County,Nebr4ska.
<br />Note - Neva X-Adams and S.E.Adwr,s to Tohr_ Boatsm"n,a.ssigned to 1�.J.Robbins -
<br />Y,
<br />Note Tun
<br />2,1919, due Tune 2,x.924, interest 8/: unnud,payable anr?uully, no interest raid; secured by a mor'
<br />gv.ge recorded in Look 28,r?age 1-91 of Tfortgages,Records of Scott'sBluff County,Nebraska.
<br />Note - George l :use and Sadie S. Hise to Tohn Boa.tsm,an, assigned to 1i. T. Robbins - X2000.00, dated
<br />March 24,1920, dut March 24, 1925, interest 8j per u,nnum,payable annually ; no interest paid; secured
<br />by a mortgage recorded in Book 31, Page 156 of Uortgages, Rec orris of Scott's Bluff County. Nebraska
<br />Note - Joseph Gemb4la and Veronica Gerrbula to C. C.Outhouse, assigned to i . J. Robbins - $500.0o.,
<br />doted Dec.26,1916,due Yurch 1,1921,interest 6j per- annum, pay able annually, interest pu,i.d to Murcl
<br />1, secured by a mortgage recorded in Look 48,2zige 683,Records of Sherman County,Nebraska
<br />Note - Joseph Gembala and Veronica Gerbala to C.C.Outhouse,wssigned to H- T.Robbins - $500.00,
<br />dated Dec. 2,6 , 1916, due T�Larch 1, 1922, interest 6/1=- per 4nnum,pa3,able annually, interest paid to RRare I
<br />.n
<br />tir
<br />1,1920, secured 10. 1 a mortgage recorded in Book 48, PL-ge 683 of Mortgages, Records of Sherman Count,
<br />Nebraska..
<br />Note - D,,.vid R. Noe L.nd 11 anni e C. Noe to Tohn Boatsman, assigned to T . T.'�obbins - .$5000. 00, dated
<br />July 11,1919, due .Tuly 11, 1924, interest elm per a.nnum,payable anrua.11y, nv interest paid; secured bi
<br />mortgage recorded in 1 }ook 14, '"ge 156 of Yortguges,Records of Sioux County,Nebrwska
<br />Note - William T�.Corder a.nd Funn.ie C.Corder to Tohn_ hou.tsm"n assigned to ii. T.Robbins - $500.00.
<br />doted Oct.21,1918, clue Nov. 3,1921, interest 7j per a.nnum,payable unn_ua11y, interest paid to Nov. 3,
<br />1919; secured by a mortgage recorded in Book 14, )"&e,18 of Mort6ages,11ecords of Sioux County,
<br />Nebraska,
<br />Note - William N.Corder and Fannie Corder to Tohn: Boatsman assigned to .T.Robbins - $500.00,
<br />dated Oct. 21,1918, due Nov-3, 1920, interest 7/ per annum, pay able annually, interest paid to Nov.
<br />3,1919,eecured by a mortE.;age recorded in Souk 14,PcGe 18 of Mortgages,Records of Sioux County,
<br />Nebraska.. .
<br />Note - Wi.11iam N.Corder -nd Fannie C.Corder to John Boatsman assigned to J.Robbins - X1900.0 ,
<br />dated Oct.21,i.918,due Nov.3,1922,interest 7, per unnum,puya.ble annually,interest paid to Nov.
<br />3,1919;secured by a mortgage recorded in Book 14,Page 18 of Yort &ages. Records of Sioux County,
<br />Nebraska
<br />M
<br />1
<br />1
<br />1
<br />1
<br />1
<br />