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No. 3, HALL COUNTY <br />'a <br />- - -- _ _ <br />4 -100 Is Imperial Ta.pz nese G ,vernmert 4;'. Sterling Loan, Series 22,, Jan. acrd Tuly, due <br />1931,�Tos.W5751 ��7600w7602. <br />20 -100 b ImperiGl Tepu.nese Government 4j Sterling Loon *Series 25,N.Y.Excr�ange, Tan.4rd Tuly,due <br />1931,Nos.75167/86 <br />Interim Certificate N`cs.M- 4360/69 for 10 /$1000 Western Electric Company 5 year Convertible 7'3, <br />i <br />Apr. and Oct. , due 1925 <br />100 shares Southern 'acifi.c Company, N. Y. Excliange ,?ar.�,lOC.00,Cert.No.55313 <br />Note - Carrie 11. S tewrley and It orris Stearle� tc ri. J. Robbins - w7040 .00, reduced to 4540.00, <br />A <br />r <br />P <br />dated IMarch 1,1914, due March 1, 1922, interest _,mot 5; per annum. payable annually, interest paid to j <br />March 1,1920,secured by a. mortgage recorded in look 91,Page 510 of Vtortgages,_records of Buffalo'. <br />C ounty , Nebra ka. j <br />P <br />Note - Carrie Iii. Stearley and h1orris Stearley to H. J.itobbins - w5000. OC, reduced to ~2719.50, date <br />M14rch 1, 1914, due I.sarch 1, 1922, interest 5j' per 4nnum,payable annually, interest paid to March-1. <br />192G,secured by a mortgage recorded in Book 91,Page 509 of I ortk;u.ges,Records of Buffalo County,; <br />Nebraska. P <br />C � <br />Note - Orin C. Andrew and Ethel IT. Andrew to Tohn Boatam"n, assigned to IT. J. Robbins - 12000.00, <br />e <br />dated Feb. 28,1920, du.e Feb. 28,1925 , interest 8j' per annuuff, p4ya.ble annually , no interest paid; se- <br />cured by a mortgage recorded in Book 28,rage 677 of Mortgages,Reccrds of Scott's Bluff County, <br />Nebraska <br />I <br />Note - -olly T.West and Charles N.West to John Bowtsrnwn assigned to t..,T.Robbins - w4000.000 dateed <br />Feb. 15,1919, due Feb. 15,1924, interest 8 ' uer annum, payable ser.:i- annually, interest paid to 1Feb.. <br />I <br />� <br />by a mortgage recorded in look 10,P4.6e 477 of Mortgiages,Records of Goshen County, <br />I15,1920;secured <br />W3' 0. j <br />Note - Polly 7.17est and Ch,.rles N -Test to Tchn Eoatsm"n assigned to d.T.Robbins. - $2000.00,datejd <br />Feb.14,1920,due Feb.14,1924,1.nterest 8j.. per annum,payable annually,no interest paid;secured by <br />a mortgage recorded i.n Look 10.Page 528 of Mortgages, Records of Goshen County,CCyo. <br />i <br />Note - Lester W. Bay ley and Clara Bayley to :.. J. Robbins and C. J. Robbins, assigned to H.T. Robbins �- <br />,65800. 00, reduced to x.2720. 00, dated Oct. 24, X911, due Nov. 1, 1916, interest 6ej, per annum,: \ayable <br />P <br />semi- a.nnuwily, extended to--- - - - - -, interest 6/-',payable annually. interest paid to Nov. 1,1919, <br />secured by a mortgage recorded in Book 91;Page 126 of Mortgages, Records of Buffalo County, <br />i <br />Nebraska. <br />Note - Chester Bullock and Ruby Bullock to John hoatsman, as signed to H.T.Robbins - 1,3500.00, E <br />dated 1&4 19,1919, due May 19, x924, interest 8 /'� per a.nnum,paya.ble wnruaily, no interest paid; secured <br />by a mortgage recorded in Look 28, Puge 144 of I+iortgages, Rec ords of Sc ott l eBluff Ccur_ty , ldebra.sk4. <br />Note - Fremont Scott 4nd Adelia Y.Scott to H.J.Robbins,,$10,500.00,reduced to 11Z,7500.00,in which ! <br />the interest of this est4te is 14000.00,dated April 1,1918,due Tan.1,1923,inter?st 7j' per annum, <br />payable annually, interest paid to Tar.. 1,1920; secured by w mortgage recorded in Book 24,.F4ge 479 <br />of Mortgages,Records of Scott's Bluff County,Nebraska. <br />Note - B].a.nche Ii. Thompson and Earl W. Thompson to C.C. Cwrlsen,a.ssigned to H. T.Robbins, $2000. 00, <br />I <br />dated Tune 2,1919, due Tune 1, 1924, irterPst 6 per wnnum,p4.ya:ble semi- u.nnually, interest paid J{ <br />to Dec.1,1919;secured by a mortgage recorded in Book 50,Page 46 of hortgages,Recerds of Hall <br />d County-, Nebraska. . <br />u <br />Note - Bl4.nche ??. Thompson and Earl W. Thompson to C.C. Carlsen,a,ssigned to =1. J. Robbins, $*250.00, <br />dated June 2.1919,due Tune 1,1920,interest 69., per annum,payable semi- annually,ir_terest paid <br />to Dec. 1, 1919, secured by a mortgage recorded in Look 50,Page 46 of Mortgages,Records of Hall <br />County, Nebraska. <br />Note : Blanche Its. Thompson and Earl W. Thompson to C. C. Carlsen, assigned to H. T. Robbi ns, 1250.00, <br />dated Tune 2,1919, due Tune 1 19 1�' <br />21, interest 6L; per 4nnur,7 ,i)ayable semi - annually, interest <br />