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)GLBZ <br />11 <br />1 <br />1 <br />655, <br />rncTria„ rwTrRr,.- .TATI"W 7..9"9" "D 60001 iYYtllt4- 0_44, _.. <br />Said Will together w$th a Certificate of Probate thereof,being in words and figures follow- <br />ing,to -wit: <br />WILL OF WILLIAM D. BURROL'GHS. <br />I.William D.Burroughe of Holetein,Adams County,Nebraska,being of sound mind and memory a &r <br />enjoying good health but realizing the uncertainty of this life,do make and devise this to be <br />my last Will and Testament,that is to sa.: <br />First: I will that all my just debts and funeral expenses be fully paid. <br />Second: This section is hereby revoked-See supplement. William D.Burroughs.. <br />#A.I give and bequeath to my beloved wife Mary E.Burroughe the following described Real Es- <br />tate: vis. Lots Three (3) & Four (4) in Block Eighteen (18) in Village of Holetein,Nebraska, <br />to be hers and her heirs f o rev a r. <br />JB.I give and bequeath to my beloved wife Mary E.13urroughs for her use and support all the <br />personal property belonging to me at my decease and all the income and rentals from my entire <br />Estate both real and persunal,during her natural life time,and at her death and after her fun- <br />eral expenses "re fully paid,I will that my Real Estate and Personal property then remaining, <br />be devided as follows :: <br />Third. I hereby will and bequeath to my beloved daughter,Mrs Maggie Churchill, or her heirs, <br />the sum of Seven Hundred Dollars (she having already received Three hundred dollars from me <br />personally) same being payable to her in cash by my four sons as proportioned and mentioned <br />further in this will same to be paid in cash within five years of or after my wife's death <br />together with six per cent nnum arable annuall on same from date of my wife's death <br />g p �p .P' Y Y. <br />until paid. <br />Fourth. I hereby will and begt*ath to my beloved daughter,Mrs Laura MCClure,or her heirs,t <br />sum of One Thousand Dollars same being payable to her in cash by my four sons as proportioned d <br />menti one diln this will,same to be paid in cash within five years of or after my wife's death <br />together with six per cent interest per a.nnum,payable annually,,•on same from date of my wife's <br />death until paid.. <br />Fifth: I hereby will and bequeath to my beloved daughter Mrs. Anna Miller,or her heirs,the <br />sum of One Thousand Dollars same being payable to her in cash by my four sons as proportioned <br />and mentioned further in this will, same to be paid in cash within five years of or after my <br />wife's death- together with six per cent interest per a.nnum,payable annually,pn same from date <br />of my wife's death until paid.. <br />Sixth: I give and bequeath to my beloved son,Hatch Burroughs,or his heirs,the following <br />described Real Bstate,vis: The East one half (EJ) of section thirty four (34) in township two <br />(2),North of <br />Range <br />thirty <br />two (32) west of <br />the sixth <br />P• Hitchcock <br />County,Nebraska,to be <br />his and his <br />heirs <br />forever <br />on the following <br />condition <br />only,that he pay <br />the sum of Seven Hundred <br />Sixty six & 67J/100 dollars as his share of the cash payments of ;':2700.00 bequeated to my <br />three daughters heretofore in this will together with the interest and in accordance with <br />the conditions stipulated therein. <br />SEVENTH: I give and bequeath to my beloved son,Roy Burroughs,or his heirs,the following <br />described Real esta.te,Qis. The North one half (N.*) of the North Bast quarter (NBJ) of Section <br />Six (6 ), in township Bight (8). North of range Ten (10) West of the Sixth P.M. in Adams County,.. <br />Nebraska,to be his and his heirs forever on the following conditions only,that he pay the sum <br />of Seven Hundred Sixty Six and 67 /100 Dollars as his share of the cash payments of $2700.00 <br />bequeathed to my three daughters. heretofore in this will together with the interest and in <br />accordance with the conditions stipulated therein. <br />WILL OF WILLIAM D. BURROUGHS CONTINED. <br />Eight. I give and bequeath to my beloved Son,Jesse B.Burroughs,or his heirs,the following <br />