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AGLBZ <br />1 <br />1 <br />MU AND 00 ECREE RECORD No. 2 <br />IN THR MATTER OF THE ESTATE <br />-OF- <br />639A <br />Jahn Buenz, deceased.. <br />I,J.H.Mullin,ATudge of the County Court in and for said County,do hereby <br />certify that on the 14th &iU of Iby 1920,the instrument purporting to be the last will and test- <br />ament of John Buenz.deceased,was filed for probate in this Court.. That on the 10th day of June, <br />1920 said instrument to which this certificate is attached was duly proved,probated and allowed <br />as the last will and testament of the real personal estate of said John Buenz.deceased.and the <br />same was ordered to be <br />recorded in the <br />records of <br />the <br />Court aforesaid. <br />IN WITNESS rHEREOF, I <br />have hereunto <br />suet my hand <br />and <br />affixed the seal of the County Court this <br />10th day of June, 1920 <br />( SEAL) J.H. Mull i n <br />County Judge. <br />IN THE COUNTY COURT OF HAIL COUNTY,MBRASKA.. <br />In the matter of the estate of ) <br />FINAL I RCREF. <br />John Buenz, ) <br />Deceased.. ) Now, on this 24th day of November,1920, this cause came on foi <br />hearing upon the final report of Richard Buenz.Admi.nistrator with the will annexed,of the estate <br />of John Buenz,deceased.und the Court having examined the records and files.and being fully ad- <br />vised in the premises,finds that due and legal notice has been given to all persurs interested <br />in said estate of the time and place fixed for the hearing upon said final report,as heretofore <br />ordered by the Court. <br />The Court further finds from said report and the vouchers on file that the report of said <br />Administrator is true and correct in all things.and that the same ought to be allowed and app <br />as and for the final report of said Administrator. <br />The Court further finds that due and legal notice has 'Deer_ given of the time and place fixed <br />for filing claims against said estate,and that the time so fixed has fully expired,and that <br />all persons having claims against said estate,and not filed as heretofore ordered by the Court, <br />are forever barred and precluded, from setting up or asserting any such claims against said es- <br />tate.• <br />The Court further finds that the said John Buenz departed this life testate at his home <br />in Grand Islun d,Nebruska., and at the time of his death he was a resident and inhabitant of Hall <br />County.Nebraska. <br />The Court further finds that the said John Buenz left surviving him,as his heirs at law.leg- <br />atees,and devisees.andhis only heirs at laww,legatees,and dev isees,the following named persons <br />Carie Buenz Hein, a. d"iaghter,.of�3.awful age; Henry Buenz, Ri chard Buenz. and Emil Buenz, sons, all of <br />lawful,the said John Buenz being a widower at the time of his death. <br />The Court further finds that by the terms of the last will and testament of the <br />said John Buenz, deceased, he gave to his daughter,Carie Buenz, how. _9arie:Buenz Hein,a special <br />bequest of $2000,and that all the rest residue.and remainder of his estate,both real and perso <br />he gave,devised.and bequeathed to the said Carie Buenz Hein,Henry Buenz,Richard Buenz,and Emil <br />Buenz,his children,share and share;thut said Administrator has paid and satisfied in full <br />said special bequest of 92000,in favor of the said Carie Buenz Fiein.has paid the funeral expensts <br />of said deceased,and all claims filed against said estate have been fully paid and satisfied, <br />that the residue of said estate has been distributed by said Administrator to the said Carie <br />Buenz Hein,Henry Buenz,Richard Buenz,and Emil Buenz,as provided by the terms of said will, and <br />that there remains nothing; further in the hands of said udministruzor belonging to said estate, <br />and that said estate ought to be settled and clesed,said AdwinistrLAor discharged,and his bond <br />as such released.. <br />The Court further finds that by the- terms and provisions of the last will and testament of <br />