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IGLBZ <br />1 <br />Cl <br />MIL AND DEGREE REGDRD No. 2 <br />FINAL DECREE <br />e IN THE COUNTY COURT OF HALL. COUNTY,NEBRASKA. <br />In the matter of the estate ) <br />(3211 <br />) <br />of ) FINAL IECREE. <br />) <br />John Mahoney,Deceased. ) Now on this' 16th day of October,1920,this cause came on for <br />hearing upon the final report of Patrick W.Mahoney,Administrator of the estate of John Mahoney, <br />deeeased,pursuunt to notice to all persons interested as required by order of court dated Octobe <br />6,1920,and there being no objection or protest on file. <br />On consideration of the report and the evidence and the files the court finds that saPa admin <br />istrAtarr has accounted for all of the estate of said deceased which came into his hands and that <br />there is no money or other personal property in This possession;that his report is correct and <br />ought to be allowed. <br />The court finds that notice as required by lew was given to creditors of the time allowed and <br />place appointed for filing claims against the estate of said deceased;that the time allowed for <br />filing claims has fully expired :that all claimsjoutstanding against said John Mahoney,deceased, <br />if any such there be,are therefore forever barred and excluded. <br />The court finds that the said John Mahoney departed this life on the 7th day of Tanuary,1894. <br />a resident of Hall County, Nebraska, and that he died intestate leaving surviving him as his heirs <br />at law,and his only heirs at law,the following named persons: <br />Patrick W.Mahoney,a son.John Mahoney.a son,M4rgaret Still,a daughter,Yary Mahoney,a daughter,) <br />Nora Mahoney,a daughter, Thomas Mahoney,a son,an4 Edward Mahoney,& son,and that he left ;a. widow <br />I <br />surviving him., Margaret Mahoney. <br />The court finds that the said John Mahoney died seized in fee of the following described real <br />i <br />estate situate in the County of Hall and State of Nebraska, to -wit:: <br />The West one half of the South -east quarter (W* of of Section Twenty-six (26),in Township <br />Eleven (11), in Range Eleven (11),west of the 6th P.M. ,and that under and by virtue of the pro- <br />visions of the law of descent of real estate in !,the State of bebraska,all of said real estate <br />did pass and descend at the death of the said John Mahoney in the manner following: <br />To Patrick Wt Mahoney, John Ma.honey.Margaret Siill,Mary Mahoney,Nora Mahoney,Thomas Mahoney and <br />Edward Mahoney his children,in equal-; shares andi,as tenants in common;, subject to the life estate <br />of Margaret Mahoney,widow. <br />It is,therefore.ORDERED,A]VUDGED AND DECREED that all of the above mentioned and described <br />real estate did pass and descend at the death of John Mahoney,intestate,to the said Patrick W. <br />Mahoney,John Mahoney,Margaret Still,Mary Mahoney,Nora Mahoney,Thomas Mahoney and Edward Mahoney. <br />in equal shares and undivided one- seventh part thereof to each of them,and the court awards it <br />to them. <br />It is further considered and adjudged by the' court that the report of the administrator be <br />and the same is approved and allowed as and for',his final account and he is discharged of his <br />trust and his bond released.. <br />It is further considered by the court that all persons are forever barred from filing or <br />setting up any claims or demands against the estate of John Mahoney,deceased,and that said estat <br />is fully settled and closed. <br />J. H. Mul l i n <br />County Judge. <br />State of Nebraska, ) <br />) as. <br />Hall County ) In the County Court of!,Hsll County,Nebraska <br />I, J. H. Mullin, County Judge of Hall County ,Neb'raska,do hereby certify that I have compered the <br />foregoing copy of Final Decree IN THE MATTER OF!, THR ESTATE OF JOHN MAHONEY, DECEASED. with the <br />original record thereof,now remaining in said Court, that the same is a correct transcript <br />e <br />