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<br />FIB�L J7ECREI!;
<br />In the matter of the estate of )
<br />FINAL ACM.
<br />James E.Hanna., )
<br />Deceased.. ) Now, on this 30th day of August. 1920. ;this cause care on fot
<br />i
<br />hearing upon the final report of Arthur D.Hanna,Administrator of the estate of James E.Hanna,de -j(
<br />y
<br />ceased,and the Court having examined the records and files,and being fully advised in the premiss,
<br />I
<br />finds that due and legal notice has been given to all persons interested in said estate of the k
<br />I°
<br />filing of said repott.end of the time and place fixed for the hearing thereon,4s heretofore
<br />(
<br />I,f
<br />ordered by the Court.
<br />And the Court having examined said report,and the vouchers on file,and being fully advised in',
<br />i
<br />the premises,finds that said report is true and correct in all things,and that the same ought �?
<br />to be allowed and approved as and for the final report of said Administrator. j
<br />The Court further finds that dud and legal notice has been given to all persons of the time ?
<br />and place fixed for filing claims against said estate,that all claims filed against said estate 1
<br />�E
<br />have been fully paid,and that all persons having claims against said estate,if any such there beF .
<br />are forever barred and excluded from setting up or asserting any such claims against said estate'
<br />the time fixed for filing claims against said estate having fully expired. j
<br />The Court further finds that the said James E.Hanna died intestate in Hall County,Nebraska, i
<br />on the 21st day of February,1920,4nd at the time of his death he was a resident and inhabitant s
<br />�i
<br />of Hall County,Nebraska,and that he left surviving himm as his heirs at law,and only heirs at
<br />law,the following named persons: Retta Hanna,purviving widow of said deceused,but not the mother;
<br />of the children of said deceased,Arthur D.Hanna,and Ralph R.Hanna, sons of said deeeased,und
<br />ji
<br />Hazel R.Hannu,a du.ughter off said deceased..
<br />€s
<br />The Court furtber finds that the said James E.Hanna,deceased,died seized as the owner in fee E
<br />(
<br />simple of Lot Four (4) in Block One Hundred Thirty -five (135) in Union Pacific Railway Company's;
<br />Second Addition to Grand Island,which :vt.s the home and homestead of the said James E.Hanna and 1 i
<br />wift.Retta Hanna:,,at the time of his death, and the easterly one- third of Lot Six (6) in Block j
<br />Thirty -one (31) of the Original Town, now City, of Grand Island, all in Hail County, Nebraska. f
<br />The Court further finds that the said Arthur D.Hanna,4s such Administrator, has paid the fun-
<br />eral expenses and all the debts of said deceased and the costs of this proceeding,and that
<br />said estate was not of sufficient value to be liable for an inheritance tax under the 1"ws of tYje
<br />state of Nebruska,and that the said Arthur D.Hanne. Aas fully accounted for,and duly paid over toj'
<br />r
<br />I
<br />the proper persons,411 of the personal estate of said deceased,o.nd nothing further remains to
<br />be administered upon,that said Administrator ought to be discharged,his bond as such released,, I
<br />and said estate closed.S
<br />1
<br />IT IS THEREFORE ORDFRFD,AD.TUDGFD,AND DECREED BY THE COURT that the final report of the said
<br />Arthur D.Hanna,as Administrator of the estate of said James�E.Hanna.deceased,be and the same
<br />t
<br />hereby is allowed and approved as and for his final report,aaid Administrator is diserged, his
<br />bond as such released.4nd said estate is fully setted and closed.
<br />IT IS FURTHER ORDERED,AD.TUIVFD,A'TD P.FCRFFD BY THE COURT that all persons having claims again t
<br />said estate,and not filed within the time fixed by the Court,are forever barred, excluded,and
<br />enjoined,from setting up or asserting any such claims against said estatp,ff any such there be.
<br />IT IS FURTHER ORDERFD,AD.TUDGED,AND D-RCREF..D BY THE COURT that upon the death of the said James
<br />E.ffanna,the real estate hereinbefore described passed,by absolute title,under the intestate laws
<br />of the state of Nebraska in force at the time of the death of the said James E.Hanna„ to the saic
<br />Rettw Hannw,Arthur D.Hanna,,Ralph R.Hanna,a.nd Hazel R.Hanna.surviving widow and children of said
<br />deceased,share and share alike, subject, however, to the homestead estate of the said Retta Hanna
<br />