<br />} File No. Fee . Bk p.
<br />Now on this 2nd day-of December 1919,this cause came on for hearing upon the petition of Thoma
<br />C.MeDermott.son of Margaret McDermott,deceased,praying(for settlement of the estate of said de-
<br />ceased,& determination of her heirs,and the right of descent of her real property,and the degree
<br />of kinship of her heirs at law,and it appearing from the proof on file herein, that due and legal
<br />notice by publication for three successive weeks, as by law and the orders of thAs Court required.
<br />.has been given to all creditore,heirs at law,and persons interested in said estate,of the filing
<br />of said petition wnd the time and place for hearing sume,which time was more than thirty days
<br />and less than sixty days after the filing of said petition,there being no objections made thereto
<br />the said cause wws duly submitted to the Court upon said petition and the evidence of the peti-
<br />tioner in support thereof,wnd the Court being fully advised in the premises finds that the allegal
<br />J
<br />tions of said petition are true and that the said Margaret McDermott died intestate on the 25th
<br />day of August,1917 in Columbus,Franklin County,Ohio while a resident thereof;that more than
<br />two years have elapsed since the death of said Margaret McDermott and that no application has bee
<br />made in the State of Nebraska for the appointment of an administrator by the heirs.or by persons
<br />claiming to be creditors of said deceased and that no administratrion has been had on her estate
<br />therein; that said deceased left her surviving Thomas C. McDermott, her son aged fifty -eight years,
<br />the petitioner,Alice L.McDermott,a daughter,aged fifty -one years and,Mary H.Baker.a daughter aged]
<br />is
<br />forty -six years - -all residing &t Columbus,Ohio,her heirs at law and only heirs at law and only I
<br />next of kin;that all her funeral expenses habe been paid and that all debts of said decedent,Mar-
<br />garet McDermott and of her estate,if any exi -st.a,re forever barred and precluded;
<br />The Court further finds that said deceased,Margaret McDermott,died seized in fee simple (being;
<br />I
<br />an estate of inheritance) of the following described real estate situate in the County of Hall
<br />and State of Nebraska,to -wit:
<br />West One Third (W.*) of Lot Three (3) in Block Sixty -eight (68) in the original town,now city
<br />i
<br />of Grand Island;which said real estate did,on the death of said deceased,pass and descend,by ope F-
<br />i
<br />ation of law in fee simple.share and share alike,to said Thomas C.McDermott,son,a.nd to said Alice'
<br />L.McDermott and Mary H.Baker,daughters ; of said deceased.each taking an undivided one -third inters t
<br />i
<br />therein,as provided by the Statutes of Descent then in force in the State of Nebraska and that
<br />said petitioner,Thomas C.McDermott,was therefore entitled and qualified to file said petitioncin
<br />s
<br />the estate of Margaret McDermott, deceased, for the purposes therein set forth.
<br />- II
<br />IT IS THEREFORE ORIIFRF, � ONSIERRHD,ADJUDGHD AND ISCIMED,that the said dec eased. Margaret McDerm9!tt,
<br />I
<br />died intestate more than two years prior to the filing of said petition in this cause; that no
<br />a
<br />application for the appointment of an administrator has been made,nor has any administration bee
<br />had on her estate,in the State of Nebraska;that she died seized in fee simple of an estate of 1 -
<br />heritance situate in Hall County,Nebraska,as above described and set forth; that she left survivi
<br />her as her only heirs at law the above named Thomas C. McDermott, Alice L- McDermott and Mary E.Bak ,
<br />who bore the degree of kinship to her as her son and daughters respectively; that the above deserted
<br />real estate passed and descended to the said Thomas C.MeDermott,Alice (,.McDermott and Mary E.Bak��.
<br />in fee simple, share and share alike, each taking an undivided one -third interest therein dM tenantr
<br />in common, forever,as provided by the Statutes of Descent then in force in the State of Nebraska
<br />and that the game is herebyPawarded to them; that all debts of said Margaret McDermott and her es
<br />tate,if any exist,are forever barred and precluded and all further administration of her estate
<br />is hereby dispensed with and said estate is forever settled and closed. J.H.Mullin
<br />County Judge.
<br />.
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