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<br />A0 t"D
<br />569,
<br />In the matter ofrthe estate )
<br />of FINAL IiCREB.
<br />}
<br />Julia M- Newt*on,Deceased.. } NOW on this 5th day of June,1920,this cause came op for hearing
<br />upon the final report of Bement C #Newtson,Administrator of the estate of Julia M.Newtson,deceased
<br />it appearing to the court,from the proof now on file,that notice was given to all persons inter-
<br />ested of the filing of said report and of the time and place fixed for the hearing thereon,as re-
<br />quired by law and the order of court,and no one having appeared to object to the allowance of
<br />report.
<br />On examination of said report and the files and on consideration of the evidence submitted the
<br />court finds that the administrator his accounted for all of said estate which came to his possess
<br />I ion or under his control,has paid all debts allowed against the estate as well as the costs of adt-
<br />I
<br />ministration,and has distributed the remainder of the personal property among those entitled to
<br />share in the distribution,and that. there remains no property in his hands belonging to said estat ;
<br />that the report is correct and ought to be allowed.
<br />P ug
<br />The court finds that notice was given to all persons interested were notified by publication
<br />as to the time limited and place appointed for filing claims against the estate of said deceased
<br />as by law required;tnat the time allowed for filing claims has fully expired;that all claims file
<br />and, allowed .against. said-estate have . been _paid, anal that_ all .c laims..:cutstanding- against ..'said ;deceased
<br />and not so filed, if any
<br />such there be are therefore forever barred and excluded.
<br />It is,therefore,considered by the court that the report of said administrator be and the same
<br />is hereby approved and allowed as and for his final account.
<br />It is further considered by the court that all persons are forever barred and excluded from
<br />filing or setting up any claims or demands against the estate of Julia M. Newts on, deceased, and tha
<br />said estate is settled and closed.
<br />The court finds that the said Julia M.Newtson departed this life on the 14th day of July,1919,
<br />being at the time of her death a resident of Hall County,Nebraska,and that she died intestate,lea
<br />ing surviving her as her heirs at law and her only heirs at law, the following named person #;
<br />Newt A.Newtson,her son,Reinhart Newtson,her son,Ora M.Newtson,her daughter,Rmily R.Newtson,he
<br />daughter,Berent C.Newtson,her son,and Bettie B.Newtson,her daughter;that Gunder Newtson,the h
<br />of said Julia M. Newts on, died prior to the date of her death.
<br />The court finds that the said Julia M- Newtson died seized in fee of the following described re
<br />estate situate in the County of Hall and State of Nebraska,to -wit: - The North east Quarter and
<br />the Test half of the Southeast Quarter, (NI-i and W' of SE-J) of Section Two (2) in Township Eleven
<br />(11),in Range Ten (10).
<br />Fractional Lot One (1) in Block One hundred Twenty Six (126),Union Pucifio Railway Coto Sec-
<br />and Addition to Grand Island;and Fractional Lot One (1),Block One (1),Russel •heelerf s Addition
<br />to Grand Island.
<br />The court finds that under the provisions of the law of descent of the State of Nebraska,all
<br />of the above mentioned and described real estate did pass and desoend at the death of the said
<br />Julia M. Newts on, intestate, to the above named heirs at law of said Julia M.Newtson,deoeased,in
<br />equal shares as tenants in common.
<br />It is, therefore,considered by the court that all of the above described real estate,at the
<br />death of the said Julia M. Newts on, passed to and became the property of the said Newt A. Newtson,
<br />Reiniuxrt Newtson,Ora M.Newtson,Bmily R.Newtson,Berent C.Newtson and Bettie B.Newtoon,share and
<br />share alike,and the court awards it to them.
<br />J. H. Mullin
<br />County Judge.
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