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11GLBZ <br />1 <br />1 <br />1 <br />563k. <br />dower estate has long since been extinguished by reason of the death of the said Elizabeth Drake <br />The Court further finds that the funeral expenses of said deceased have been fully paid,and <br />that all debts of said deceased and of his estate,if any such existed,are forever barred and pre <br />cluded,and that the costs of these proceedings have been fully paid. <br />IT IS THFRFF(MVORDERFD,ADTUDGED,AND DECREED BY THE COURT that the said William ].Drake died <br />intestate in Hall County,Nebraska,on or about the 8th day of November,1891,46nd more than two <br />years prior to the filing of the petition in this cause; that no application for the appointment <br />of an a.dministr4tor of his estate has ever been made,nor -has there ever been any administration <br />upon the estate of swirl deceased in the state of Nebraska; that said deceased died seized as the <br />owner in fee simple of the real estate hereinbefore described situated in Hall County, Nebraska; <br />that the petitioner is a competent and qualified person to prosecute these proceedings; that <br />said deceased left surviving him as his heirs at law and his only heirs at law the said Eliz- <br />abeth,his surviving ividow,µnd Harry Drake,Ruby Drake,and Frank Drake,children of said de- <br />ceased,all of whom are of legal rage; that the said Elizabeth Drake,surviving widow of said de- <br />ceased,took only a dower interest in said real estate,and that such dower interest has long sinc4 <br />been extinquished by reason of the' death of the said Elizabeth Drake;that upon the death of the <br />said William Y.Drake the real estate hereinbefore dese:iibed passed and descended,by absolute <br />title, under the intestate laws of the state of Nebraska then in force, to the said Harry Drake, <br />Ruby Drake, and Fr,:.nk Drake, share and share alike, subject only to the dower estate of the said <br />Eliz"eth DrL-Ae therein,which said dower estate has been extinguished by her death,and the same <br />is accordingly awarded to themyas provided by the laws of descent of the state of Nebraska then <br />in force. <br />IT IS FURTHER ORIZRHD,AD,TUDGRD,AND DECREED BY THE COURT that all debts of said deceased and <br />his estate, if any such there were,are forever barred and precluded,and that further administra- <br />tion of the estate of said deceased is hereby dispensed with,and said estate is finally settled <br />and forever closed. <br />e. <br />State of Nebraska.) <br />Hall County <br />In the County Court of Hall County,Nebraska <br />I,J.H.Mullin,County Judge of Hall County.Nebraska,;io hereby certify that I have compared the <br />foregoing copy of Decree In the Matter of the Estate of William,Deeeased. with the orig- <br />inal record thereof,now remaining in said Court,that the same is a correct transcript thereof, <br />and of the whole of such original record;that said Court is a Court of Record having a seal, <br />which seal is hereto attached;that said Court has no Clark c- uthorized to sign certificates in hi <br />own name,and that I am the legal custodian of said Seal and of the Records of said Court,and tha <br />the foregoing attestation is in due form of law.. <br />In testimony whereof I have hereunto set my hand and affixed the seal of the County Court, <br />at Grand Island, this 14th day of )day 1920 <br />(SEAL) <br />Filed for record this 14 day of May 19208at 11:50 o'clock A.Y. <br />J. H. Mullin . <br />County Judge. <br />ster of De <br />-- G• G- 0- G- 0- C- 0- 0- 0- Q- 0. 0• C- 0. 0- 0- 0- 0- 0- 0- Q- 0- 0- Q- �0- G- 0- 0- G- 0- 0- 0- 0- 0- 0- 0- 0- 0- 0- Q- 0- Q- 0.0- 0 -0 -0- <br />