<br />State of Niebrwska, }
<br />Hall County )
<br />In the County Court of Hall County,Nebrwska
<br />is J. H. Mullin, County Judge of Hall County. lebraska, do hereby certify that I have compared
<br />foregoing copy of Decrse In the Matter of the Estate of I.1i.Iaanning,Deceased,with the original
<br />record thereof now remaining in said Court, that the same is a correct transcript thereof,and o
<br />the whole of such original record;that said Court is a Court of Record having a seal, which se
<br />is hereto attached; that said Court has no Clerk authorized to sign certificates in his own nam
<br />and that I am the legal custodian of said Seal and of the Records of said Court,and that
<br />foregoing attestation is in due form of law.
<br />IN TESTIMONY WHEREOF I have hereunto set my hand "nd affixed the seal of the County Court,a
<br />Grand Island, tllis 20th day of April 1920
<br />(SAL)
<br />Filed for record this 13 day of May 1920,a.t 4 :45 o'clock P.M.
<br />ount_y JUCLgee
<br />Register of Dee
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<br />In the matter of the estate of )
<br />} AECR ' a.
<br />William M. Drake,
<br />Deceased.
<br />Now, on this 14th day of May,1920, xhis cause came on for hear-
<br />ing upon the petition of John Bachmkn praying for the settlement of the estate of said deceased,
<br />for a determination of his heirship,and the right of descent of his real estate,and the degree
<br />of kinship of said heirs ::t law,and a. decree settling his estate,and it appearing to the Court
<br />from the proofs on file herein that due and legal notice has been given by publication for three
<br />successive weeks i,s by law and the orders of this Court provided, to all creditors,heirs at law,
<br />and other persons interested in said estate, of the filing of said petition and of the time end
<br />place fixed for the hearing of the same,which time w"s not less than thirty days nor more than
<br />sixty days after the filing of said petition,and there being no objections thersto,said C--_--use
<br />is duly submitted to the Court,upon the petition and the evidence in support thereof,and the
<br />Court being fully advised in the premises finds that the allegations of said petition are true,
<br />and that the said petitioner,John Bachman,is one of the present owners of the real estate hereir.
<br />after described and is a competent and proper person to prosecute this proceeding; that the said
<br />Tfilliam M.Drake departed this life intestate at his homeL in Hall County,Nebraska,on or about the
<br />8th day of November,1891,and at the time of his death the said William M.Dr"ke was a resident ar
<br />inhabitant of Hull County.Nebraska,and that he died seized as the owner in fee simple of Lot
<br />Seven (7) in Block Fifteen (15),in }Cvan's Addition to the city of Grand Island,in Hall County,
<br />Nebraska,-:and that more than two years have elapsed since his death,and that no application has
<br />wer been made in the state of Nebraska for the appointment of an administrator of his estate,
<br />and no petition filed for that purpose,and no administration has ever been had upon said estate.1
<br />The Court further finds that said deceased left surviving him as his heirs at law and his on�
<br />heirs at law the following named persons:: Elizabeth Dra.ke,the surviving widow of said deceased ,
<br />Harry Drake,Ruby Drake,and Frank Drake,children of said deceased;that the said Elizabeth Drake,.
<br />surviving widow,of said Tilliccm M.Dra.ke,deceased,depa.rted this life on or about the first day o2
<br />September,1894,and that all of the children of said deceased care of lawful age.
<br />The Court further finds that under the laws of the at4te of Nebraska in force at the time of
<br />the death of the said William M..Drake,the real estate hereinbefore described passed-and descend
<br />by absolute title,to the said arry Drake,Ruby Drake,und Frank Drake,share and share alike,subje
<br />only to the dower estate of the said Elizabeth Drake, surviving widow of said deceased.which sai
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