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56o <br />IIECRP� E <br />IN THE COUNTY COURT OF DOUGLAS COUNTY, NEBRASKA. <br />In the Matter of the Estate of ) <br />Charles W.Hamilton,deeea.sed. ) j <br />Now on this 17" day of Umy ,1905 , thin cause coming on to be hear <br />on the petition of Mary F.Hwmilton administratrix for a final settlement of the estate of Charleii <br />W.Hamilton,deeeased,on the final administration statement and recount of the administratrix of <br />said estate and the evidence was submitted to the Court, on consideration thereof the Court Finds l <br />i <br />that on the 17th day of May,1905,Mary F.Hamilton,administratrix of the estate of Charles W.Hamill �on, <br />deeeased,filed in this Court her petition for a discharge as such administrwtrix alleging among �1 <br />other things that she had paid all the claims against said estate and had distributed,divided anc� <br />assigned the balance thereof among the heirs of Charles W.Hamilton as provided by law and also tk�e <br />written statement of said heirs in which they allege that said administratrix had paid all the <br />I`s <br />claims against said estate and had made lawful and egyal distribution among them of the surplus <br />thereof and acknowledging the receipt of the same and praying that the petition of said Mary F.Hjm- <br />ilton as administratrix aforesaid for discharge as such administratrix and the release of her bold <br />be gr4nted by the Court,and it further appearing to the Court that all claims against said estat <br />which had not been disallowed by the Court have been paid.. That the final administration account <br />and statements of administratrix in her petition for discharge are in all respects true and <br />correct. That due notice to creditors his been aiven,that all claims allowed against said estat <br />have been fully paid and satisfied,and that said estate is fully solvent. <br />That the said Charles W.Hamilton left surviving him as his heirs and only heirs at law the <br />Mary F.Hamilton administratrix his widow,and his children Frank T. Hamilton,, C. Will Hamilton,Fred <br />Brick P.HaWilton,Stella M.Hamilton and Ma-a L.Hamilton who are all of :age. E <br />That the property of said estate should be and has been divided among the said heirs in equal, <br />proportion, share and share alike.That after completing the record of this cause there will be du <br />this Court for costs of administration the sum of $ - - -- ,which amount the said administratrix has <br />paid. <br />ii <br />xMV,REFORF it is Ordered,Adjudged and Decreed by the Court that the said final administration <br />r <br />account is hereby settled,allowed and proved as filed and said estate is fully settled. That said <br />ii <br />Mary F.Hamilton as sole administratrix of the estate of Charles W.Hamilton,deeeased,be and she i <br />hereby discharged as such administratrix,and her bond as such is hereby released and discharged.. <br />Duncan 21.Vinsonhaler, <br />County Judge. <br />Indorsed: Filed May 17,1905.. i <br />f; <br />State of Nebraska, ) a <br />ss. <br />County of Douglas. ) In the County Court of Douglas County,Nebraska. <br />E <br />I,Charles Leslie,Qounty Judge of Douglas County,Nebraska,do hereby certify that I have, compare <br />the foregoing copy of Decree on Final Account, in the Matter of the Estate of Charles W.Hwnilton, , <br />decersed,with the original record thereof,now remaining in the said court;that the same is a cor *ect <br />transcript thereof,and of the whole of said original record: that said court has no clerk Au <br />to sign certificates in his own name,and that I have the legal custody a.nd control of said origi4 <br />record; that said court is a court of record,has a seal and that seal is hereto affixed;«.nd that <br />the foregoing attestation is in due form.according to the laws of the State of Nebraska. <br />IN WITNESS VHEfIRM I have hereunto set my hand and affixed the seal of said dourt at Omaha.. <br />this 18th day of January,1906 j <br />(SEAL) Charles Leslie <br />County grudge. <br />Filed for record this ilo day of May 1920,at 4 o'clock P.M. <br />Register of Deeds <br />a I <br />