<br />NINTH.
<br />I give,devise and bequeath to mar son,Edwurd B.Dearing,as trustee Afor my daughter,Mabel Green,
<br />and to his successor in trust,an undivided one seventh of all the rent, residue and remainder of
<br />my estate,both real and person"l,and including the reminders over under the former paragraphs
<br />of this will,to be held,managed,invested and re- invested by said trustee,or his successor in
<br />trust,for the sole use and benefit of my said daughter,Mabel Green,and the income,only,from
<br />said trust estate paid semi - annually to the swid relabel Green,so long as she remains the wife of
<br />Thomas Green. Should my said daughter.16bel Green,become a widow or cease to be the wife of the
<br />said Thomas Green,then and in that event the principal sum of said trust estate shall immediate]
<br />become the absolute property of my said daughter,Mabel Green,and shall be turned over to her
<br />without delay 'by said trustee,or his successor in trust. In the event of the death of my said
<br />d4ughter.4Label Green,while still the wife of Thomas Greeikthen and in that event I giVb devise
<br />and bequeath said trust estwte,so held by the said Edward B.Dearing,as trustee in trust for the
<br />said Mabel Green,or his successor-in trust at the time of the death of the said Mabel Green,to
<br />the said Edward B. Dpwring, as trustee in trust for the children of the said Mabel Green until the
<br />youngest of the children of the said Mabel Green shall arrive at the age of twenty one years,whe
<br />till of said trust estate shall be equally divided by said trustee between the then living childz
<br />of the said M bei Green. In the event of the death or inability of the said Edward B Dearing to
<br />act as such trustee under this paragraph of :Ay will,I nominate and a.pDoint my son.Willium T.
<br />Dearing,as successor in trust to the said Edward B.Dea.ring,trustee.
<br />TENTH-
<br />I give,devise and bequeath to my son,Edward B.Deuring,as trustee in trust for my daughter,
<br />Martha Irvin,and to his successor in trust, an undivided one seventh of all the rest,residue
<br />a.nd rema.inde!r of my estate,both real and personal,and including the remainders over under the
<br />former paragraphs of this wi 11, to be held,managed, invested and re- invested by said trustee, or
<br />his successor in trust,for the sole use and benefit of my said daughter, Martha Irvin,and the
<br />income,only,from said trust estate paid semi - annually to the said M-.:rtha Irvin,so long as she
<br />remains the wife of her present husband.
<br />Should my said daughter become a widow or cease to be the wife of her present husband, then
<br />and in that event the principal sum of said trust estate shall immediately become the absolute
<br />property of my said daughter,16rtha Irvin,ard shA.11 be turned over to her without delay by said
<br />trustee,or his successor in trust-In the event of the death of my said daughter,Martha. Irvin,
<br />while still the wife of her present husband,Harry Irvin, then and in that even1,jI give,devise and
<br />bequeath Five Hundred Dollars of such trust estate to the said Hurry Irvin and all the rest, re-
<br />sidue and remainder of said trust estate,I give,devise and bequeath to my children,William T.
<br />Dearing,Edward B.Deuring,Mubel Green,Katherine Dearing,Lillie Dearing Underwood and Opal Dearine.
<br />Dugan, share and share alike.. In the event of the death of the said Edward B. Dearing or his inability
<br />to act as such trustee under this paragraph of my will,I nominate and appoint my son,William
<br />T.De"ring as successor in trust to the said Edgard B.Dearing,trustee..
<br />It is my intention that,after the bequests provided for in the second and third paragraphs
<br />of this will,my estate shall be divided into seven equal parts and that,as so divided,& one
<br />seventh part is disposed of in each of paragraphs f our, five, six, seven, eight, nine and ten hereof.
<br />My sole purpose in trusteeing the shares for my daughters,L11lie Dearing Underwood,Mabel Green
<br />and Martha Irvin,is to protect them and to assure to them an income sufficient to meet the
<br />necessaries of life.
<br />TWELFTH.
<br />Should any of my said children die before receiving the benefits provided for him or her
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