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AGLBZ <br />1 <br />F� <br />III' THE COUNTY COURT OF HALL COUITTY,j3'EBRASKA. <br />In the matter of the estate of } <br />} <br />Aden D.Tilley, }' <br />Deceased.. } <br />rECREL. <br />551-A <br />Now, on this 19th day of Apri1,1920, this cause came on for he4r- <br />ing upon the petition of Williwr. F.Tilley,one of the heirs at law of Aden D. Tilley, deceased, pray <br />ing for a settlement of the estate of said deceased,a determination of his heirship, the right of <br />descent of his real estate,that he died intestate,and fixing the time of his.death.und it appear <br />ing to the Court from the proof on file that due and legal notice by publication for three succ- <br />essive weeks has been given in the manner provided by law and as heretofore ordered by the Court <br />to all heirs at law,creditors,and other persons interested in said estate,of the filing of said <br />petition and of the time and place fixed for a hearing thereon,which time was more than thirty <br />d4.ys and less than sixty days after the filing of said petition,µnd there being no objections <br />thereto,said cause was duly submitted to the Court u*on said petition and the evidence in suppor <br />thereof,and the Court being fully advised in the pren:ises,finds that the allegations of said pe- <br />tition are true,and that the said Aden D.Tilley died intestate at his home in Hall County,Nebras <br />on the 8th day of Tune.1915,und at the time of his death he was a resident and inhabitant of Hal <br />County,Nebraska,4.nd that he died seized of a.n estate of inheritance located in Hall County,Neb- <br />raska,tiereinafter described,and that more than two Sears have elapsed since his death."nd that <br />no application has been made in the state of Nebraska for the appointment of an administrator of <br />hAs estate, and no petition filed therefor,and no administration has been had upon his estate. <br />The Court further finds that the petitioner is one of the heirs at law of the said Aden D. <br />Tilley,deceased,and is the owner of an interest in the real estate hereinafter described,of <br />which said deceased died the owner,end is a competent and qualified person to prose4,ute these <br />proceedings. <br />The Court further finds that the said deceased left surviving him a.s his heirs at law and his <br />only heirs at law the following named persons: Maria A.Tilley,his surviving widow,and mother of <br />eill of his children; George A.Tilley,John D.Tilley,and William F. Tilley, sons; and Lydia IM.Reaugh <br />and Satie D.Hanna,daughters,all of whom are of legal age. <br />The Court further finds that said deceased died seized as the owner in fee simple of the foll- <br />owing described real estate situated in the county of Hall and state of Nebraska,to -wit: Ail of <br />the east half of the northeast quarter of Section Thirty-four (34) in Township Twelve (12) ,North, <br />Range Nine (9) West of the Sixth P.M.,excepting a small tract deeded to Lydia Y.Reaugh by deed <br />recorded in Book 34 of Deeds at page 501,and a ten -acre tract deeded to William F.Tilley by <br />deed recorded in Book 34 of Deeds at page 502 of the Deed Records of Hall County,Nebraska,and <br />that the same was the home and homestead of said deceased and the said Maria A.Tilley,his wife, <br />at the time of the death of the said Aden D.Tilley. <br />The Court further finds that no petitioner or application has been filed in the state of <br />Nebraska for an administrator of the estate of said deceused,and that no administrwtion.has been <br />had upon the estate of said deceased in the state of Nebraska,dnd that more than two, years have <br />passed since the death of the said Aden D. Tilley, that he died intestate, that his funeral expenseF <br />have been fully paid,and that all debts of said de0eased,and of his estate,if any such existed, <br />are forever barred and precluded,that said estate was note subject to an inheritance tax and that <br />the costs of this proceedings have been fully paid. <br />IT IS THEREFORE ORDFRFD,ADJUDGED,AR'D DECR2RD BY THE COURT that the said Aden D.Tilley died <br /> Hall County ,Nebraska, on the 8th day of June,1915,and more than two years prior to <br />filing of the petition in this cause; t -hat no application for the appointment of an administrator <br />of his estate has ever been.made,nor has there been any administration of his estate in the stu. e <br />