<br />Foster,the sum of One Thousand Dollars,and to each of my nephews,Marvin C.Van Derveer and Charles
<br />A- Wolfe. the sum of One Thousand Dollars.
<br />8.I give,devise and 'bequeath to Push of my six grandchildren,C�iester Adams, ,klice Adams,Robert
<br />Adams John Adams Roger Shaff and Jay Shaff Jr. the stun of Five Thousand Dollars being 4
<br />�; y , ng a total
<br />sum to all of their of thirty thousand dolli.rs,under the following conditions,however : - Neither
<br />e
<br />the interest nor the principal shall be used for any purpose by the trustees hereinafter uppointe�ld,
<br />11
<br />for said grandchildren, until each reaches the age of twenty -one years;as soon as either reaches t1he
<br />age of twenty one years then he or she shall be paid the income from the sum which has accumulated1l,
<br />and the amount which h"s accrued at the age of twenty -one years shall remain in trust until such
<br />one has reached the age of forty years,at which time the entire a.urn herein placed in trust shall I
<br />be paid; that is each child above mentioned is given five thousand dolla,rs,which shall be invested `.
<br />in the manner hereafter specified,a.nd the interest for each year shall be added to the said prin
<br />cipal sum of five thousand dollars,until such child has reached the age specified, twenty -one yea i .
<br />I hereby appoint Mary R.Adams trustee for the funds of her children,without bond,and I hereb,
<br />appoint Gladys Shaff trustee for her children,without bond,the said 11ary R- Adams being the mothe
<br />of Chester,Alice,Robert and John Adams,and the said Gladys Shaff being the mother of Jay Shaff,J
<br />and Roger J. Shaff.
<br />I direct that the above named trustee shall be p�_;id the sums as above designated by my exe-
<br />cutors hereinafter n"=ed,and that each shall invest said moneys so received either by deposits i
<br />good bunks at the going rate for time deposits prevailing at the tune, or in farm mortgages at n(2441
<br />to exceed fifty per cent of the value of the farms taken as security,said value to be determined i�
<br />by an appraisement of three disinterested persons to be selected by the trustee who is to invest
<br />the funds,and title to be accepted by competent counsel to be selected by the trustee investing.,
<br />I further authorize my said trustee,Mary R.Adams, to appoint her successor as trustee,should
<br />she at any tire feel herself unable to act,and I further authorize her to provide in her will whd�
<br />shall succeed her :s trustee,should she be so inclindd; but in no ease shall one appointed by he
<br />while living be displaced by one named as such in any wi 11, a.nd in no case shall any trustee be
<br />r
<br />appointed without bond, other than those herein named,unless the trustee so named shall be a cor-
<br />poration especially authorized to act as trustee of funds of this character;I confer upon my tru tee,
<br />Gladys Shaff, the same restrictions and powers.
<br />I further direct that as each of the beneficiaries named in this paragraph attains the age of �
<br />forty years,he or she shall be paid the above named sum of Five Thousand Dollars with accrued I
<br />accumulations,by the trustee then having control of the fund.As noted above,however,whatever,
<br />trustee may be acting for each beneficiary as he-,or she shall attain the age of twenty -one years,
<br />shall thereafter pay to such beneficiary the annual income on the sum accumulated at said age,a
<br />such trustee and his successor shall so continue to pay such income to such beneficiary until the
<br />age of forty years is reached by such beneficiary, when full settlement shall be made as above di-
<br />rected..
<br />I further direct that if other grandchildren are born to my sons or daughter,that such child
<br />cr children,shall receive the same benefits under the same restrictions as those now living, the
<br />mother in each case,if living,to be the trustee and have the same powers as delegated above,but
<br />in no case shall this provision operate of sucki grr~ndchild is born after the probate of the will
<br />and the discharge of the executors herein named..
<br />9.I give, devise and bequeath to my wife,Jennie D- Shaff the east half of the southeast quarter,
<br />the east seven acres of the southeest quarter of the southeast quarter of section thirty (30) and
<br />the northeast quarter of the northeast quarter of section thirty -one (31) in township eighty -one
<br />(81),north,range five (5), east of the Fifth P.M.,in Clinton'County,Iowa,said land being sold
<br />under a contract subject to which contract this bequest is made and I hereby authorize and em-
<br />�I
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